Chapter 15 - Lone Sorceress

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Two days after the ambush they cross the border into Shaundra. Two squadrons of soldiers were waiting to escort them to Shaundra's capital city and castle. From then on Marilyn had to be extra careful not to reveal her identity to someone by accident. The fox of fate has been quiet ever since the mountain pass.

This morning Arwin is adamant to talk with Aranorn. "Aranorn, I am serious. I want to get to know her better."

"My answer is still the same young majesty. It isn't my decision to make. If she does not want to see you then I can do nothing about it."

"You are her father not her chaperone. I am not going to stop asking your permission to pursue her."

"Do you realize what you are doing young highness? Marilyn is inexperienced in this. She has never had a serious relationship with any man, least of all a prince. She also did not ask to draw your attention to her. Give her some space to deal with this."

Arwin usually stops at this point, but not today. He wants a straight answer. "Don't you think that once we return she would have had enough time to deal with this?"

Aranorn sighs. He locks eyes with Sameth with stern expression while speaking. "You have a point. I cannot protect her forever from this. She must realize that one day she is going to have to deal with this in her own way. I cannot stop her from growing up and neither can I stop her from discovering what it feels like to be deeply loved by someone. I want her to experience it, but I still want her to walk into this with an open mind and think before making a rash decision. You must realize that it is her heart that is at stake here. I find myself asking this single question. Can I trust you not to break her heart?" Aranorn locks his eyes on Arwin's and the two men find themselves in a battle of wills. Their eyes clashing blades without a single weapon being drawn.

Arwin feels cornered by Aranorn's defense. He knew he had a point. He is still her father and trying to test him to see what kind of man he is. How is he ever going to convince Aranorn about his intentions? He bit his lip. "I will treat her with the respect that befits my station. I am a crown prince. If I can not treat the woman I have a relationship with respectfully, how can I hope to maintain favor with the court, nobles, peasants, soldiers and you? I would be a feeble prince indeed. I am a man of principle and if a relationship with your daughter doesn't work out. I will make sure to end it respectfully."

"Fine, but you are going to have to find her first. I will give you this one clue and one clue alone on how to find her. Because of the pre-arranged marriage, she is in hiding. This is your clue. Whether I like it or not, the two of you are getting to know each other on a daily basis. When you find her I will expect you to keep her identity hidden regardless of the situation."

All Marilyn can do is send her father a venomous glare for putting her on the spot. Her father met it with an unyielding determined glare. She fidgets with her gauntlets. As she feels her father turning his attention back to Arwin.

"I promise to treat her with respect."

"Then you can start your search."

Arwin suddenly looks at Aranorn in surprise. "Are you telling me what I think you are telling me?"

"Be careful. She does not want to be discovered. She will lie right to your face and try every trick in the book to stay hidden. If you are meant to be together no amount of trickery is going to keep you apart. It is only a matter of time before you will find her."

"What if she talks about herself?"

"Then her only saving grace would be, to be honest with you. The only thing she won't admit to you is who she really is."

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