Chapter 3

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I unlocked the penthouse and rolled my basket of cleaning materials quitely the following morning.

But as soon as I begin to walk I hear the soft snores of a man sleeping in the couch. I look around and notice a couple of alcohol beverages all around the place. I walk slowly towards the man and quickly stop all at once. It's him!

He is without a doubt very very very handsome. As soon as the thought occured I dismissed it instantly. Focus.

His arms are hanging outside the couch and what looks like a shattered glass directly under it. His still on his suite and pants.. and dress shoes! He must have been really really drunk if he passed out here still in his work clothes. Realizing that he'd be awake any minute now I hurry and clean the place.

I pad quitely at my last task. Cleaning the shattered glass under him. Why did I think cleaning it last would not make him wake up?

I leaned down kneeling infront of the shattered glass, not making any sound when suddenly he shuffles bringing his hands around and grazing my face in the process. I muffled a gasp and land on my butt, he continues shuffling, grabbing his jacket and taking it off. He fusses still with his eyes close and grabs his shoes next and then throwing it away carelessly.

I'm in an awkward position on my butt with a man undressing in front of me. I decided to lean down once again to try to quickly clean and get the hell out of here. He opens his eyes, squinting here and there and finally he focuses. Golden eyes stare at me and I find myself unable to look away. His eyelashes are thick as well as his brows that are now drawn together in confusion.

I snap out of my trance and stand up.

"Don't stand up!", I say on a high pitched voice as I notice him beginning to stand as well. He squints at my voice and groans covering his hurting hangover ears. "I apologize, what I meant was don't move just yet, there's glass all over the floor. I still need to clean it sir", I say in a much more cool tone.

"I'll help", he says

"No, I'll be quick", but instead of leaning down I turn around and head for the kitchen. I grabbed the medicine and water I prepared in case he'd wake without me and walked back placing it on the low table infront of him. "For the headache sir". I went about my business not glancing at him and cleaned the mess on the floor all the while he drinks up and stays silent.

"What's your name?" he asks. I still don't look at him and continue crouching down infront of him sweeping the floor for debris.

"Ali sir", I say.

"Well, thank you Ali", I nod and stood up to leave but a hand holds my hand.

"Atleast have breakfast with me..", he says and the shock must have been clear on my face because he loosens his fingers on my hand and clears his throat.

"That's against hotel policy sir", I bowed my head curtly and walked uncomfortably towards the door.

"Your pretty" he says, my back to him in an inanimated arrogant voice "What are you doing at a place like this?" I contemplate answering, I suspect his still drunk by the tone of his voice.

I turn slightly uncomfortable but I do anyway. I smiled and don't answer his question instead I say "Goodbye sir, have a nice day".

His eyebrows raise "I'm sorry I shouldn't have- Have breakfast with me.. please? I'm alone", he says, the arrogance all gone replaced by something else? I'm not sure.

"I really can't sir, I don't want to loose this job", I giggle nervously and that quirks him up.

"It'll be fine", he says coolly.

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