Chapter 4

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A few days had passed after the incident and I haven't seen Dominic in his penthouse. I've been going there extra early and leaving extra early as well, trying to avoid him though I think he's been doing the same. I still can't believe what happened, he cooked me awful pancakes! I mentally laugh but I can't stop the stupid grin that broke off my mouth.

"Having a nice lunch?", Sierra, another cleaner at this hotel asked. She's been here long before all of us, her olive skin showing the sign of the times.

"Just thinking about something", I smile at her. She's been really kind to me ever since I got the job here and taught me a lot of things to be considered.

"Oh, is it a boy?", I like her accent and the way her expression changes along with her tone. She's african, but she grew up in Australia and eventually moved here in the West Coast, when you hear her speak it wouldn't be something you'd expect.


"It's a baaad boooy", we laugh. I kept my mouth shut knowing that, one little slip is all that'll take.

"So have you met Mr. Dawn now?", she asks after awhile. We're munching now on our lunch both of us eating sandwhiches.

"I did, I found him drunk and passed out on his couch a few days ago", I left off the part where he offered me breakfast and what happened then.

"I worry for that kid", she said worry evident in her tone. But before I can ask her how she knows him the rest of the staff gets out and joins us for lunch. Sierra stands up and excuses herself.

I don't dwell for too long on the thought of Mr. Dawn, it would just bring in funny emotions and I don't need another distraction. I was just finishing up when I was called in, to go to the penthouse. They didn't say why, just that I had to. Maybe something needs to get cleaned?

I compose myself as best as I could on the drive on the elevator, tucking away the funny things I'm currently feeling and maintaning a cool exterior, when I'm in so far from the truth. Will he be there? Will he be nervous as well? Will he ignore me?

The elevator dings and I enter the penthouse. It's still surreal to me how massive and picturesque the view from the windows are, it's St. Roslyn at it's best, home to many sprawling skyscrapers in the world One of it I'm standing now.

I frown, although the dreamers look up to this place they don't know the outskirts and the shadows of the people who have been left behind, the hardships they have to endure to survive. I should know, I'm one of them.

I move along with my trolley, it seems that nobody's around until I heard someone call me.

"Cecil, could you please arrange for a bouquet of flower to be sent up here, this place looks dreadful", instead of Dominic I am faced with a striking woman, she has raven her and is currently putting on heels and I instantly know she's the girlfriend "Oh my, I'm so sorry I thought you were Cecil!", she's now wiggling her way to her other black pumps holding a hand up to her face as if telling me to wait a second. I conceal my immediate disappointment? Oh no, no. I shut my thoughts and smiled at her offering to help but she declines.

"She transfered to Mexico, maam. Where shall I put the bouquet maam? And what kind of flowers?"

"Roses will do, just dial Anna from the reception and tell her the usual set, and put it there", she points at the dining table. I nod my agreement.

"Why the hell would Cecil transfer? She was good here, and she's the only one who could put up with Dom", she waves her hand, her dark eyes accentuated by her smoky make up making her look more eccentric in her suit. I stand there uncomfortably not answering her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2019 ⏰

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