Chapter Two

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"Oh Jake." I heard a lustful voice come from Jake's room, but it wasn't a women's voice. It sounded like Bradley, Jake's best friend. I set the things on the table and walked to the room. But this wasn't an enjoyable sight; at least not to me it wasn't.

"Jake, what the fuck!" I yelled. Jake and Bradley were having sex. Jake peered up at me.

"Oh shit Alyssa, what are you doing here?" He pulled out of Bradley and rushed to put some pants on. I ran out of the apartment and as fast as I could to the elevator without running into anything. By this time I had formed a small puddle of tears in my hands. I pressed the elevator button and dried my eyes as best as I could. I heard Jake's door open but the elevator wasn't here yet.

"Alyssa please wait! Let me explain!" His footsteps were growing louder. He was running towards me. The elevator door opened and I ran inside. I thought I would make it— I was so close. But he stuck his hand out at the sensor before the door closed. He came inside and I tried to walk out but he grabbed me by my arm and pressed the button; The doors shut closed.

"Alyssa let me explain." He said. I couldn't look him in the face because I knew that if I did, I'd lose it... Completely lose it.

"Then explain Jake. What the hell was that?" I responded.

"Bradley and I have been seeing each other for two years. He isn't only my best friend, but my boyfriend as well. I needed you as a cover up because I couldn't tell people I was gay."

"Why didn't you tell me this? Why would you do this to me Jake? You used me when instead you could've told me the truth. I thought we had something Jake, how can you just throw that away?"

"Lyss, you don't understand, do you?" He ran a hesitant hand through his hair. "I'm not throwing anything away because we never really had anything to begin with. Or at least I didn't." The elevator door opened and I tried to walk out, but he grabbed my arm. I snatched away. I heard a deep groan from within his throat. "Lyss, let me finish."

"No Jake. It's already finished." I walked out of the building and drove home.

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