Chapter 20: Dude I Think She Likes Me

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Third person's P.O.V

Jihyo:"I'm sorry!"
Jihyo said, bowing her head for the man in front of her covered in mango shake

Yoongi scoff and cross his arms

Yoongi:"Oh pls stop the act, I know you're acting, just to get close to me"

Jihyo looks up at yoongi and scoffed

Jihyo:" Are you saying that I'm doing this cuz I like you?"

He said bluntly

Jihyo:"Assuming- I don't even like you!"
Yoongi rolls his eyes and said

Before walking away

Jihyo:"What's wrong with that guy? I don't even know him!-I just met him awhile ago!"
She kicks a pebble and headed to the dining area, still pissed about the incident

Dahyun:"Yah, jihyo unnie- what happened to you?"

Jihyo:"Nothing happened..."

Dahyun mumbles an 'okaayyy' and went back to eating the resort's food(?)

Jihyo sits on the chair besides nayeon
And crosses her arms which caught nayeon's attention

Nayeon:"What happened to you?"


Nayeon:"Na-uh I ain't letting this go this time- is it a guy?"

Mina:"Yes, it's that guy named hyungji? Or-"
She buts in

Jihyo:"It's yoongi"


Jihyo:"He thinks I like him and he thinks I was acting--when I spilled my drink on him"

Nayeon:"Hahahahaha hahahahaha"
Nayeon laughs while patting mina's back
(BTW Nayeon is between mina and jihyo so.. Yea)

Nayeon:"and how'd you know?-how'd you know what happened?"
She asked facing mina

Mina:"Cuzzz..I heard screaming and stuffs.. And my curiosity got the best of me, so.." {YoU gOt thE besT oF MEH}

Nayeon giggles and continues to eat her food and also mina, jihyo stands up and grabs a plate and puts different kinds of food in her plate, she went back to her seat and started eating


Tzuyu sits down besides sana and the two of them started chatting

Sana:"Ey that's tzuyu's sit!- oh hey tzu"
She said after gulping her food

Tzuyu giggles and greets sana back

Tzuyu:"Hey sana"

Sana:"So... Any progress?.... About that mission thingy"
Sana said, chewing on her steak

Tzuyu:"Aah.. Yes I guess"

Sana:"I guess?"

Tzuyu:"I mean...yes-when my bikini bra snapped he-"

Sana's eyes widen and spits her food on Hoeseok's face

Sana:"Omo! I'm so so sorry!"
She grabs some tissue and wipes hoseok's face

Hoeseok:"Pwe, its... Okay"
He said getting some tissue and wipes his face

Hoeseok:"excuse me, Have to go to the washroom"
He said while standing up walking to the washroom

Sana:"welp that was embarrassing... Anyways he's a gentleman... Oh well.."
She said mumbling to herself

Tzuyu:"Seriously, you're wierd"

Sana:"What?- anywaysss, did he really help you when your bra snapped?!"
She said in a whisper-shout tone (don't know wut it's called)

Tzuyu:"Uuhh yea.."

Sana:"*smirks* Aaannd?"

Tzuyu:"and wha- oh...You dirty minded pig! We didn't do anything!"

Sana:"Your the dirty minded one, I didn't even said anything about stuff like those hehe"

Tzuyu rolls her eyes and spotted Jungkook sitting with Taehyung and Jimin in another table

Tzuyu and Taehyung made eye contact and Tzuyu breaks the eye contact first

Taehyung taps Jungkook's shoulder and said

Taehyung:"Dude! I think she likes me!"

He said while putting the glass of juice down and looks at Taehyung

Taehyung:"That girl!"
Taehyung looks at tzuyu, Jungkook follows his gaze and he felt like crying


Taehyung:"No! Tzuyu-I caught her staring at me-not too long ago"

Jungkook:"Oh.. Um... Really?"

Taehyung:"Yep- I'm proud of myself!"
Jungkook jokingly rolls his eyes and quickly eats his food

He stands up while finishing the glass of juice in one gulp, he (low-key) slams the glass on the table and excuse himself

Jungkook:"Imma go for a walk"

Jimin:"Wait for me! I wanna Join too"

Jungkook:"I'll wait for you outside"

Jimin nods and smiles at jungkook


Taehyung:"Can I join too!?"

Jungkook ignores Taehyung and walks to the exit

~to be continued~

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