(7) You're my haven

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A/N: Okayy, so here's LJ's. I decided to change it a bit so it's not angsty?( Is that even a word? )
But warning⚠ it contains suicide and maybe trigger others..

Still.. Enjoy~



Here I am, lying in a pool of my blood on the stone cold floor in the empty hallway. Everything is blurry because of my tears.

I don't know what went wrong and why life is treating me like shit, but I want someone to be there for me. I want someone to care for me, protect me. I want someone who loves me despite my flaws.


I was walking in the school hallway, listening to students chattering with their friends. Once I pass by them, they looked at me with disgust. It might be because of the rumors about my alcoholic parents that were spread by someone.

Math was my first class. It might not be my favorite subject and I have decent grades on it, but I still want to make my grades higher. I went to my locker to get my things and was about to open it when I was kicked to the side.

I blinked twice, comprehending what was happening. I picked my self up and looked at the one who kicked me. It was (name of enemy), my ex-bestfriend and current bully.

"What? Cat got 'ya tongue, Y/N?" she said and sticked her tongue out. I wished I wasn't so straightforward, but the words flew out of their own.

" I'll cut that tongue of yours" My eyes widened. I should have stayed quiet. She laughed and kicked me. I dodged, but her minions held me. I struggled but there were three of them holding me and one of them was from the jocks.

"Sharp tongue you got there. Now, let's fill your pretty little skin with purple, shall we?" She started kicking hard at my stomach, making me cough out blood.

She kicked and kicked until my legs gave up and I fell to the floor. She grabbed my hair and slammed it to the lockers; it wasn't enough to kill me, but enough to make my head bleed and make me dizzy.

" Hahahahaha, you look so pretty in red and purple, Y/N. Hope you have fun on the floor" (name of enemy) said and left with her minions. The others that were just watching the scene, went to their own classes too and just left me on the floor.

Flashback end ...

I just stared at the end of the hallway, seeing a figure coming closer. I was losing a lot of blood and black dots danced in my vision. Before I completely passed out, I felt someone lifting me into their arms and saying something but I didn't hear what they said.

" Shh, it's alright. I'm here now"


I groaned as I opened my eyes. I was sitting on a bleacher in some kind of circus tent. I felt nothing so I checked around for cuts and bruises, but haven't been able to feel one. I sighed and widened my eyes at the sudden darkness.

Then the spotlight was on someone. Someone who was sitting crisscrossed on the center of the stage, staring at me. I blinked and took in his appearance. He was a monochrome clown with sharp claws and striking blue eyes. He was smiling at me and I just stared.

"..Who are you?" I asked him, my eyes staring at him lazily. No, I wasn't a bit intimidated by his seemingly dangerous appearance.

"Laughing Jack at your service~! How are you feeling?" He chirped. I just shrugged and said I'm fine.

(DISCONTINUED) Eldritch Affection: CP BF ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now