Pass or Fail

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Make a prediction of who of the three will pass. Is it all? Is it just one (which one) or two (which two) or even none.

Yukina POV

"Obi Meryo"
"Tadaki Korudo"
"Yukina Kori"
"Koto hyuga" the boy with white eyes and short black hair stated
"Millie Yuka" a girl with long light green hair stated, the yuka clan aren't one with a Kekkie genkai but its common for their females to be medics and judging by the fact her Kunai pouch is larger than most confirms that as it fits more medical stuff than weapons.
"Jack Wilshere" the other stated but his clan I'd never heard of making me believe he's from a non-ninja family.

"Begin!" The Proctor yelled and my team and theirs jumped back from each other.

I was opposite Jack so I was taking him head on, ideally I wanted to fight the Hyuuga as I knew their fighting style but Ill leave that to Obi, he is a capable ninja. If possible I want to fight this match without my Kekkie genkai, that way it can be my trump card in the final exams.

"Fire ball jutsu" Jack yelled sending a giant fireball my way. I did a back flip landing to the side evading the attack. I pulled out 10 sebon needles from my pouch and held them delicately, they're thinner than ordinary ones making my movements harder to predict and the speed quicker.

I flicked 3 at him, using a kunai he blocked them all, I then sent another four his way with him repeating the previous process but little did he know I sent the other three in the shadow of the four, these ones were special though, they were chakra infused, they penetrated the boys right shoulder and came out the other side cutting clean through his bone. A scream left his throat and I had an urge to apologize, but this is a fight theres no time for that.

Because of the place he was injured from my attack ment that he couldn't fight me probably. The moment he was hit with that attack it was over for him.

I summoned my beautiful bow to my hand and shot a poisonous arrow at his leg, in seconds he was unconscious and I smiled victoriously, now it was time to help my comrades.

I evaluated each fight which was taking place, obi seemed to have his under control but Tadaki seemed to be struggling a little more. I jumped into Tadakis fight which was against a girl and fired several ordinary arrows at her, they all scraped her but she dodged enough for none of them to do any serious damage. She quickly retaliated by sending a lightning bolt down at us, I pushed tadaki out the way but couldn't fully get out the way myself resulting in a burnt wrist.

Tadaki summoned a dragon that threw a flame at our enemy, scorching their skin tadaki and I exchanged a smirk as we both closed in with our kunai, stabbing them into her shoulders, her arms were now disabled she could no longer use a jutsu. Hitting the back of her neck making her pass out my silver haired friend finished her off.

Turning to see how obi was doing I saw as the hyuuga boy shoved a gladius sword into his chest, a scream ripped out my throat as I moved to catch him he landed in my arms, his blood coating my hands.

"Stay with me obi, you're going to be okay, I promise" I sobbed holding him close.
"Get help!" I screamed but nobody moved they all watched as Obis life drifted from his body.

"Yukina, hes gone" Tadaki said with a voice full of pain it was obvious he was  checking back a sob, he rested his hand on my shoulder before pulling me into a hug away from Obis body.
Tadakis arms were securely around me as I wailed into his chest, I couldn't stop the tears from falling.

The body was taken away and Tadaki picked me up and carried me to the hotel, Hana-sensei left for the pub, shes probably going to get drunk to drown her sorrows

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The body was taken away and Tadaki picked me up and carried me to the hotel, Hana-sensei left for the pub, shes probably going to get drunk to drown her sorrows.

I stood by the window watching the clouds move as tears insisted on rolling down my face, I had no control over it, Tadaki was behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist he was attempting to comfort me in my time of need but I should be the one comforting him, they've know each other since they were kids I've only been in the equation for like a week. I turned to Tadaki and he wiped away my tears as he gave me a weak fragile smile.
"Hes free from this corrupted world now" he muttered and I nodded sadly knowing he was a good kid so theres no doubt hes in heaven.

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