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If you guys ever want this book updating, just leave a comment requesting it, it tends to remind me to do so after a long period of forgetting it exists.

Neji pov

Tadaki sent two birds after Yuki a week ago and today one returned it gave word that The other was shot down by Yuki in the meadow's a mile before the land of snow. We're currently looking for her, I worry what they will do to her and by the look on Tadaki's face, he's terrified for her.

"We will set up camp here" Kakashi said smiling weakly at us knowing neither of us will be okay with that arrangement. "No we need to keep looking! She could be in danger!" Tadaki said forcefully with his hands clenched. "Say she is in danger, we will be of no use to her as weak and tired, we will get forced into a retreat and lose our knowledge of her location, and what good would that do us?" Kakashi asked calmly running a hand through his hair. I knew he was right but I didn't want to admit it, I wanted to find Yuki. Tadaki huffed in annoyance before sitting on the ground pulling at the grass before he rubbed some weird glittery thing between his fingers, his eyes widened in shock looking at it.

"What is it?" I asked looking at the weird dusty glitter covering his fingers from the ground. "Do you know what this mean?" He muttered looking up at me. "I don't know what it is, never mind what it means" I answered honestly, he's looking at it like it has the answers to the universe. "It's from the bird I sent, its the residue that's left over left in a perfect pile, almost as though it was on purpose, her arrow went straight through it... meaning there will be traces on the arrow, this is her clue, the next stage in my kekkie genkai, the part I just unlocked allows me to track through the residue, I can find her through the part she has on her arrow" He explains and hearing our convocation Kakashi chimes in with "How good are you with it if you recently unlocked it" He looked up from the pile in his hand "I can do it, I can find her, I will find her" He said really determined which made me smile, a solid lead. 

After eating we all got some rest with the intentions of picking up our search for Yuki in the morning with our new found lead, I could comfortably sleep for the first time since she went missing.

Yuki pov:

Dawn arrived and instantly we were up and training after eating a spot of breakfast, we were in the land of snow, and the routine was very similar to the one I had as a child, wake up, eat, train, don't stop until another meal, repeat and sleep. Boy did I not miss this. 

I picked up one of my arrows carefully and studied it, this should lead Tadaki to me, that is if he's even looking, I hope he's safe, Neji too, I hope my dad didn't lie to me and he really took them home, I'm really worried, but they're strong enough to handle themselves, after all, Tadaki is also a chunin. 

I wonder what dad thinks, I left without a goodbye, maybe he's mad that I ditched dinner, or that I didn't ask for help. When I became apart of Kohona it was like for the first time in this world I was wanted, not just by Hayate, but other kids too, by Neji, Tadaki, Tenten, Lee, Shikamaru, so many people that my old family ripped me away from, why leave me to bring me home...

"Yukina, you should be paying attention! You will never be able to live up to your parents expectations unless you pay attention" My new sensei said sternly and I glared at him before resorting "They gave birth to me but they'll never be my parents! I don't want to meet their expectations, I want to be a leaf shinobi!" He sighed at me before stepping towards me, I found him intimidating, so right now, I was scared.

"Look kid, I don't want to be here more than you do, and I know you left a trail for your little friends, when they get here, I'll let them take you back but in the mean time, can you just learn the damn jutsu, it might save your life one day" He stated rather annoyed and I nodded slightly before trying my hardest, I picked up my bow and held it in front of me before drawing an arrow and concentrating my chakra into it before shooting it at a tree, it drilled a hole straight through to the other side. "You need to imagine your chakra as a line when you do it, try it again, with a different tree" he said as he sat on the floor cross legged and observed while I tried again, this time when i hit the tree, it made more of an oval cut in the tree, sensei told me I was making progress but to keep trying so I did, I kept trying and trying and each time a bit more of the tree was removed until finally my arrow hit the centre and like it was sliced in half by a sword not a tiny arrow head, the tree slid away from itself before sliding onto the floor with a thud, momentarily shaking the earth. 

"Well done, you did it you can have a break now" Sensei said before picking u a book and reading while I decided I wanted to lay on the floor and just look at the clouds for a bit. I was tired and covered in sweat. I feel how Shikamaru does after his mom makes him do the washings up, exhausted and just want to see the sky.

For several moments there was silence before I heard my name being shouted, I instantly sat up and looked around before I saw Tadaki in the distance with Neji and who I believe to be Kakashi Hatake, I smiled for a moment before running towards them and I hugged Tadaki's waist, and his arms instantly enclosed around me holding me close to me.

"I was so worried about you" I muttered with tears brimming my eyes, "And I was worried for you! Don't do something like that again, we could have lost you for a very long time" He said with a shaky voice as he stroked my hair. "I didn't know what else to do... I didn't want them to kill you guys" I explained.

Neji pov

Yuki and Tadaki instantly embraced each other upon seeing each other, I felt a pain in my chest seeing it, but I just ignored the feeling and smiled looking at Yuki, she looked exhausted but so happy right now, she must have really been holding out hope that we'd come for her and we did, we finally found her. 

The next thing I knew she had her arms around me, and mine folded around her, pulling her as close as possible, I took in her scent, her appearance and just her, I didn't ever want to lose her again, she's my best friend.

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