Chapter 15

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I was walking for what it seem like ages deeper into the woods. A smell caught my nose sweet and calming. I knew it was Andrew.
My mind was telling me to turn and leave but my body didn't agree moving close to the smell and deeper into woods, my feet scraped on the autumn leaves. I watched as Andrew was looking to the sky I thought by now he would smell my present but he didn't, so deep into his world. I flinched as he started screaming  crying in pain I wanted to run to him but I watched as he fell to the floor by his knees crying.
"Why did I do her wrong I failed her "
"I'm disgrace" placing his head on the brown leaves crunching a ball of leaves in his fists. I should have been angry and screamed "yes you are", but I couldn't the pain I saw raw and real. He regreted he's doings.
"Andrew" I whispered knowing he would hear me
He stopped crying looking up to the sky
"get out my head I'm sorry" my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I walked up to him touching his shoulder but my hand went through him. How.
But he flinched moving back curling into a ball
"GET AWAY I'M SORRY" beginning to cry. Backing away from my broken mate's heart torn into two my mind running with billion words but only one I could from tears blind my vision.  How could this be true how can't you hear me
"ANDREW I NEED YOU" no reply he was broken beyond fixing and I was dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2019 ⏰

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