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Warning ⚠️: Slight Smut


A couple weeks had passed and Stephen still kept in touch with the billionaire. They would hang out as much as possible and Tony would sometimes surprise him with a cup of tea at his work, which earned confused faces from his coworkers, but Stephen would only ignore everyone. That's until Clint would tease him when he sees how Stephen glows around the billionaire. Wong however, was observing his partner intensely and would noticed how Stephen would change when he was around the billionaire or whenever he wasn't having a good day or morning.

Tony's visits became a regular routine whenever he had time off from work, and everyone would greet him whenever he showed up. Both Tony and Stephen had gotten better in their relationship once they started hanging out more often. Both men were brutally the same. Same ego, same stubbornness, intelligence, wealth, and uncontrollable flirtation. Everyone in the station knew this and would make sure to not try and joke with them, unless they wanted to be embarrassed for their rest of their lives.

"Stark is back," Hills says from the counter and without looking up from her work,

Tony smiles and nods at her, "Afternoon Hills,"

As he casually walks in the station everyone greets him with a pat or a 'afternoon Mr. Stark'. In return Tony would smile and pat them on the shoulder. As Tony passed through the double doors he now steps into the detective zone where everyone he knew (thanks to Stephen) was laughing and talking to one another. They all greet him as well when they noticed him standing by the door.

"Stark, nice of you to stop by again," Sam says as he pats the billionaire on the shoulder and leads him more inside the room,

"Yeah, Stephen has been moody these couple of weeks, care to do your magic?" Clint says from his desk as he bounces a small ball on the ground,

Tony chuckles at the detectives. They knew him so well. The billionaire understood right away what they were talking about since he has seen it through his own eyes. The first time he realized it was when he did a surprised visit and captured the moment where Stephen roughly slams a stack of papers on his desk and throwing something at the wall with frustration. He stayed standing in the shadows for a couple of seconds before walking towards the detective who was now sitting at his chair and having his hands covering his face.

Tony hates seeing him like that so he does everything in his power to make him feel better. He'll either take him for a walk, for a long ride, or for a quick drink at the nearest bar, and with the famous Tony Stark smirk he instantly brings a small smile on the taller mans face. Which is something Tony loved and wished to only see that smile for as long as he can. Tony missed being around the detective, it has been weeks that he hasn't seen Stephen and he was dying for just a small smile or a look into those beautiful piercing eyes of his. The billionaire has been so busy with his inventions and interviews that he hasn't had any time to visit Stephen. They did talk every once and a while but Stephen also had work to do.

After being friends and getting to know Tony, Stephen went back to do more research and trying to figure who exactly was the murderer. It didn't take long for him to find out who it was, but of course it's always one of those cases where the villain has heavy security around them and making them harder to capture. That has never stopped Stephen before, but after becoming friends with Tony he couldn't seem to think straight. Wherever he would look he would see him, when he would close his eyes he would see that beautiful smile, and whatever these feelings are were getting him moody and frustrated. He did his best to not take his frustration out on his friends, but it was impossible since any little comment they would make would irritate him.

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