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"What am I doing?" Stephen says to himself as he stares at his own reflection in the mirror,

He had just gotten out of the shower and was shaving off some scrub off, he was getting ready to go and pick up Tony from his home and would debate if he should still go. Then after tying his shoes he had convinced himself to try and get to know the billionaire before throwing him behind bars, he told Christine about it when she got home from work and she only encouraged him to go talk to him. With a sigh he kisses her and nods his head, she smiles and continues to prepare their dinner. However, when he called Tony he started having second thoughts about meeting him, but before he can end the call someone answers with a grunt on the other end.

"Stark?" Stephen says in the phone with furrowed brows,

Another grunt is heard but a familiar voice speaks out, "Yeah, Yeah I'm here,"

Stephen hesitates but when he looks up at Christine he sees how she's glaring at him while cutting some vegetables.

"I- I was just wondering if your still up for tomorrow,"

"Only if you are," Tony says with a grunt,

After agreeing with each other Stephen ends the call and let's out a loud sigh as he places his palms in his eyes. He stays that way until he feels a pair of arms wrapping around him and kissing his neck.

"It'll be fine Stephen," Christine says with a smile,

Stephen turns in his seat and smiles to her before bringing her closer and kissing her on her lips.

"Better be, or else it would be your fault," He says before tickling her sides, she giggles and tries to escape from his hold,

It soon turned into a tickle war and when she escaped his hold she bolted out of the kitchen with Stephen behind her. He didn't let her run far and grabbed onto her waist and pulls her towards him, she yelps and giggles once again when Stephen goes back to torturing her sides. He then picks her up and gently lays her on the couch before continuing his evilness, the sounds of giggles and screaming is heard in the apartment. After a while Stephen stops and stares at her with a huge smile, she too stares at him as she lets one finger trace his goatee.

"I love you," Christine says with a smile,

Stephen smiles back as he places a piece of hair behind her ear, "I love you too," with that he bends down to capture her lips,

Stephen sighs at the moment and wishes he could be cuddled next to her instead of pulling up to Tony's home. As soon as he parks in front of his home, he sees how a man in a suit walks out from a black SUV. Stephen then sees how the man opens the door for a young boy to come out, the detective furrowed his brows when he sees the young teen walking up the steps and disappearing in the home. Stephen doesn't remember reading about any children in Tony's file and only becoming more confused. After the teenager disappeared in the home, a few seconds passed before Tony walked out with jeans, a grey t-shirt with black and white converse.

In Stephens opinion, he looked more better looking. Stephen grips the steering wheel and pinches the bridge of his nose, he didn't know why he was having these feelings or thoughts towards the other man. As he stayed in the car the sound of knocking is heard on the passenger side, turning to his right he saw Tony looking through the window with a almost worried face. Stephen lowers the window and Tony takes the opportunity to lean his arms on the door as he stares at him with his brown eyes.

"You feeling alright?" Tony says with the same expression,

"Y-Yeah, just a headache trying to creep it's way," Stephen stutters,

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