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The bright light coming through the small gap from the window makes Stephen stir in his sleep. Then the feeling of a warm hand on his forehead makes him slowly open his eyes. He keeps one eyelid close when the light sends a sharp pain to his head, he groans from it and tries to lay on his back but someone stops him from doing so. With a blurry vision he realizes its Christine sitting in front of him as she looks at him with care and is gently rubbing his sweaty cheek with her thumb. In all honesty, he didn't know why he was sweating so much, but he didn't get to think of it much when a wave of nausea makes its way to him.

Christine must have read his face because she quickly grabs the bucket and places it in front of Stephen. He doesn't waste time and practically places his entire face in the bucket as he relieves his stomach. Everything he had drank from the previous night is now being dumped in the bucket, and making the smell only more stronger and making the detective more nauseas. Which of course made him throw up even more. While relieving his toxic Christine was rubbing his back, once he somewhat gathered himself he laid back down in the bed with a groan. He touches his head when he feels it pounding and sighs softly before opening one eyelid to glance at Christine who was looking at him with serious eyes.

He doesn't remember much from the previous night, but that doesn't stop the detective to look at her with apologetic eyes. Stephen knows he over drank that night because the headache and the nausea is too obvious. He hasn't woken up with a hangover for a couple of months now, since he promised Christine he wouldn't drink as much.
He kept staring at her and watched as she grabbed a small towel and starts to wipe away his sweaty forehead.

"Your burning," She says with a sigh and continues to wipe his face,

He somewhat groans in his throat when another wave of pain settles on his forehead and temples. He closes his eyes and sighs to try and ignore the pain, but it still continues to torture his head. When he opens his eyes they automatically find Christines, he stares at her and grabs her hand from his head and brings it to his mouth. He kisses her knuckles softly and gently before looking back to her eyes with a shy smile on his lips.

"I'm sorry," He tells her with a raspy throat,

She places her other hand on top of his and kisses his hand before replying, "Stephen you don't have to apologize, you were just having fun,"

Stephen sighs and smiles at her, which she returns before bending down and pecks his lips. He kisses back, but for some reason it did not feel right, deep down, he didn't really feel anything in his chest. At least not like before. Before when he would kiss her, he would feel his chest warm or would feel fuzzy like butterflies are flying around, and this time he doesn't feel anything. Just pure... disappointment, and maybe a bit of guilt when he remembers the shower incident from the previous day. Obviously he doesn't show it, instead he smiles against her lips and pecks them one last time before getting up from the bed.

As he gets up he realizes he is still in the same clothes, but he quickly removes his button up when he feels it sticking to his skin. Christine smiles as she observes his toned body as she hands him a pill and a glass of water. Stephen gives her a fake smirk and accepts the pill with water. After taking the pill and finishing the water he walks towards his bathroom and into the shower, where he stays for possibly an hour. His headache was slowly going away under the steaming water, after shampooing his hair and the rest of his body he decided to stay under the water for a couple of more minutes. However, after a minute passed he slowly started remembering the event from last night which made his heart start racing when he slightly remembers what said to Tony.

He inhales sharply but ends up coughing when he accidentally inhaled water through his nose. After controlling himself he pinched the bridge of his nose and felt like disappearing from the world or hiding from everyone, but he quickly realized he only told Tony and nobody else. That still doesn't stop the detective from feeling embarrassed and turning red when he thinks about those words once again. Turning off the water and grabbing a towel from the door he walks out the restroom. After changing into fresh clothes he walks out of his room before grabbing his phone from the nightstand, as soon as his screen goes on he feels his stomach swirling when he sees five missed calls from Tony and three unread messages.

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