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- Finally updated this book!!!!!!!
After what seemed like years! I finally updated!!
Also I want to apologize for the lack of updates to my previous books, I've been busy with school, balancing my grades, and going to Night School to earn some credits, so I always get home exhausted with no energy left to write.
But!! Little by little I will start writing and sooner then later I will be posting the next chapters!! 💕💕
So far now please enjoy this new chapter! For this book!! 💕💕💕💕
Enjoy 💘


Having a dog was something Tony never thought about. Yes, he was a dog person but the way he worked and stayed busy meant he would hardly give the animal any affection. He'll probably pet him and feed him —obviously— but Tony knew he won't actually be an owner to the poor dog and always decided to never have one. That's until now. Every morning he'll wake up with his beautiful boyfriend behind him with his soothing breathing on his neck and would have a smile spreading on his face, however the smile fades when he feels his leg hitting something. Something hard, stiff and.... warm? With sleep in his eyes still, Tony raises his head to see what the hell is near him. Tony only rolls his eyes when he makes eye contact with the puppy who was curled in a ball near his leg, at first Tony would have gently pushed him off the bed or would wake up Stephen to take him back to his own bed, but now, Tony only seems to have a small smile tugging at his lips when he sees the young Doberman beside him. No matter how many times Tony will deny it, the billionaire knows he is slowly starting to become attached to the animal and quickly starting to have a soft spot for him.

Peter and Stephen on the other hand have been giving their love and affection to the animal almost everyday. Mainly Peter. He constantly comes by the billionaires home, more than before and quickly greets everyone before running off outside in the yard to play with Levi. It had became a normal routine for the teen, wake up, go to school, get picked up by Happy, drive to Tony's, play with Levi until dinner, say goodbye and finally leave the mansion. Same cycle for five days straight, except for the weekends where Peter stays for two days and goes back to Mays at the end of Sunday. There would be times where Peter wanted to take Levi to his apartment, but May specifically said no dogs allowed in the apartment and Tony may or may not have caught him redhanded with Levi in his backpack.

Levi was still fairly young, but he was a quick learner and especially stubborn. Tony thought the damn dog was picking it up after Stephen and himself, but the detective only rolls his eyes at Tony's ridiculous comment with a small smile on his lips. However, Levi's intelligence has gotten to the point where even Stephen thought about training him himself. Just the usual sit, down, paw, technique. When the small Doberman learned in less than a few hours, Stephen considered another crazy idea, something he'd never thought would ever come to mind. But from the looks of it, Levi could be an extreme help. A bit pain in the ass, but mostly helpful. The detective was still debating about his idea, he kept it to himself for the weekend, but Tony made a comment about who would watch the puppy while everyone was gone to their daily routines, since he was tired of coming home to a destroyed place and Stephen thought now or never.

"I can take him to work with me," Both the billionaire and the teen looked at him with raised brows,

"Seriously?" Tony tells him with a hint of hope in his voice,

Stephen shrugs his shoulders, "Why not? He won't be a problem here at the house and that way we'll know he's not trashing the couches,"

Tony smiles at the detective with pure relief and joy when he knows he won't have to buy another set of couches. Tony hates it, but Stephen always laughs at him whenever he sees people walking inside the home with the new couches.

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