Dear Nan and Grandad. Chapter 2:

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Dear Nan and Grandad,

Hey. I still miss you. I wanna tell you what happened after you died. When Dad told me about Grandad, it was horrific. He was balling his eyes out and I hated it. I have to be honest, I didn't cry straight away. I was so confused. It hadn't sunk in yet. Until about a few days later, I started crying more than I was speaking. I had to leave lessons sometimes because of the pain I was feeling. When it came to your funeral, Mum came. She helped Nan with everything. We were all happy and sad that day. So many people came, which made us happy because of how much people cared about you. When Nan died it was exactly the same. Dad texted Mum saying you were 'on your last legs' and we both broke down. Uncle Ali and Aunty Charlotte were there at the time and the only thing I vividly remember is that they asked where Mum was because they were leaving. I walked into her bathroom to see her curled up on the floor crying with Andrew comforting her. That was the first time I realised that she cared a lot about the both of you. It was really weird to see her in that state. That night I went to sleep hoping and praying you'd be okay. I didn't sleep much. The next morning I woke up and Mum said that I was having a day off school. I knew immediately and burst into tears. It still doesn't register that you're gone. I don't think it ever will. I love you.
Lorna xxx

Dear readers,
I want you to know that if you have lost someone like I have, that you aren't alone. I'm here if you want to talk. It's better to talk than keep it in. :)
Lorna x

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