Chapter Two: Decision's

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Changbin watched Chan walk into their room, the leader exhausted and sporting a few bruises along his neck. Changbin's lips twitched, sitting on Chan's bed when the leader dropped on it,

"We should leave as well, hyung. Hyunjin and Jisung was our family, and still are we need to stick with each other."

Changbin tried to convince the leader, but it seemed like Chan wasn't listening. Changbin continued despite this,

"Plus, they treat you like crap, hyung. They only ever punish you and i feel bad. Even if it's something I did, or Hyunjin and Jisung, you get punished for it.. Please, hyung we need to leave."

Changbin continued to beg, but nothing came from the leader. Changbin curled his hands into a fist, before sighing and moving to get into his own bed. Once he laid down, Chan finally sat up and moved. He grabbed bags, and let his powers start folding them and packing them neatly, doing Hyunjin's and Jisung's as well, making sure he threw the one's with the government symbol away.

"Are you going to help me pack or not?"

Chan snapped, and soon Changbin rushed to help him out. The two finished and Chan looked at Changbin who nodded,

"I'm ready, hyung. Let's get out of here.''

Chan pressed his lips together, before teleporting them and their bags out. 

"Ok maybe we should've thought this through before we just up and left."

Chan stated, the two just standing in the middle of a crowded city, eyes looking around. Changbin made a noise of agreement, pressing his lips together for a moment. Changbin picked up some of the bags, knowing the Chan would want help anyways. They had been walking around for a good two hours, searching for any sign of the group they had fought before. But no luck came to them and Changbin was convinced that Chan was deciding that they should go back. But when Chan continued walking and didn't teleport them, he breathed out in relief. The boy rushed to follow Chan, the two walking into a cafe. 

"Are we able to simply sit down at a table? We need a quiet place to discuss about something."

Chan asked, trying to swipe away his cold look, but it was hard when he was used to it. The worker seemed to be scared, and nodded without saying anything until he rushed to the back room. Chan sighed, before moving to a table, sitting down at it with Changbin joining him.

"So how are we to find them?"

Changbin asked, frustrated. Chan shrugged a bit,

"I could track Hyunjin and Jisung since im able to do so but they would know i'm doing it and think the government is using me to find them so that is not available."

Changbin sighed, having thought to ask him to do that but knowing they'd know, it was not an option. Chan sighed a bit, looking out the window of the cafe, watching people walk back, some even running probably late to get somewhere. Someone with red hair ran by, but seemed to back-track, the boy looking through the window at the two, but Chan by now had looked forward to talk to Changbin. The red haired boy was going crazy, trying to remember for a moment until it clicked,


"Jeongin! Language!"

Woojin snapped as he walked up but Jeongin pointed at the window a bit. Woojin froze for a moment before huffing,

"Come on, we're going to greet them. Get the others too."

Jeongin obeyed rushing to get the others, before they joined Woojin and walked into the cafe. But Woojin soon just ordered everyone something to act as if they were here to simply chill and everything. Chan watched them from the corner of his eyes, but looked back at Changbin when he noticed Hyunjin and Jisung staring at them, probably confused. Chan closed his eyes for a moment, before whispering gently,

"You can confront them. Give them their clothes and join them, ok? I'll be there in a moment."

Chan looked at Changbin who nodded and picked up their bags. Chan watched him walk up, handing bags to them, and watched him talk tot hem, probably explaining everything. Chan noticed how much more happier Changbin had already gotten when he had been out of the government officially, Chan smiling. Genuinely, he was happy for Changbin and the other two for finding somewhere they truly belonged. But Chan knew they were weapons, and were made to be weapons. Chan gave Changbin a chance to be who he wanted to be, and was not regretting anything.

But he would need to go back, as he wasn't like them. Able to be told they weren't weapons and believe it. Chan would always believe he was a weapon, but a voice jumped him out of his thoughts,

"Chan, correct..? I heard a lot from Jisung and Hyunjin, although some of them being bad.."

Woojin smiled at the leader, before sitting where Changbin was previously. Chan stared at Woojin, not speaking, but his eyes were curious on what the two had said,

"They talked about how despite the cold exterior you seemed to care. They thought you hated the two, and everything and favored Changbin or something. That or you didn't care about anyone, and would just do whatever it takes to get your mission over with. But when you had left them with us.. I could tell you did it to give them a chance to become what they want to be."

Woojin smiled at him,

"It's probably why you got Changbin out of there as well... You're unstoppable, Chan, you can overthrow the government if you really tried. I know you're thinking you have to go back, but don't... join us, please. We need someone like you and we will teach you that you can be whoever you want to be, not just a weapon."

Chan stared at him, his face blank. Chan didn't care for a bit, but when he had been told he could overthrow the government if he wanted to, he hesitated. Finally he gave in, and nodded a bit.

"Fine.. I'll join you guys."

Woojin smiled brightly at this, and soon the other boys piled up next to the two, having to bring a few tables close to each other, as they talked and everything. Chan simply sat there, watching the boys talk with one another, Hyunjin, Jisung and Changbin looking as if they finally found a place in life to be happy and content with.

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