Chapter One: Year's Later

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"Chan, Hyunjin, Jisung and Changbin! Come!"

A mans voice rang out through the meeting room, four boys walking into the room now. Their cold stares swept the room, looking at each of the men in there, before looking towards the one who called them in,

"We have a mission for you boys. You four are to intercept the rebels, Straykids, mission and shut them down."

Chan smiled a bit when he heard it was a mission, before nodding,

"Yes, sir."

Chan was appointed leader of the four boys, mainly since his power was to basically be able to do anything and everything. The now 20 year old looked over at the other three who were already heading out to get ready. Chan moved to follow but the man stopped him,


Chan turned back, looking at him. The man moved, grabbing his face, not gently but yet not too harshly. More like a warning type of way,

"If you at least don't send them away from their mission, you know what will happen."

Chan looked at him calmly, used to it to care. He never failed him, so he wasn't worried. The man released his face and soon Chan was off, joining the other three in getting ready. Chan dressed himself in similar clothing like the three boys; black jeans, a black t-shirt that had red lining's along the collar area. He wore black gloves and a black mask, the mask with a red symbol of the government logo.  Soon the four boys looked at each other and nodded. With the snap of his fingers, Chan teleported them to the destination that the group, Straykids is at currently.

Soon they were in, Chan moving calmly up to the boys who were huddled up a bit,

"You five."

His cold voice rang out, causing the boys to jump and turn around with weapons in their hands already. One of them stood up straight and scowled,

"Who are you? And why are you he- Government.. They're in the government, Woojin-hyung."

The boy quickly said when he saw the government logo on their masks. The one who Chan assumed was Woojin straightened a bit, scowling,

"You four need to leave before you get hurt. We aren't afraid to shoot government officials."

"Clearly not, as you guys are daring to break into a government owned building. But i would advise before each of you get's hurt."

Chan grinned underneath the mask, but Woojin snorted,

"You don't even have weapons, we have the advantage."

Chan snorted, rolling his eyes. How stupid was this boy? Chan pointed at one of the boys, before making a gesture for him to come here,

"You. Come here. I won't hurt you, but come here. It seems like i need to prove something."

The boy did try to move, but a force was stronger, refusing to let his feet move,

"I.. i can't move. My feet are too heavy."

Chan hummed, before suddenly the guns in their hands were being thrown across the room, electricity sparking continuously until fire formed across the room. 

"Each of us are the weapons. I would advise leaving no-"

Chan was thrown off when Woojin managed to lunge and catch him off guard. The boy tackled Chan, the two engaging into a fight. Hyunjin made a move to help Chan but someone did the same to him, the two wrestling with each other until Hyunjin's mask was accidentally ripped off. Hyunjin didn't care because he didn't  know the boy, but the boy gave up on fighting when his eyes widened in shock,


"How do you know my name?"

Hyunjin asked immediately, holding the boys hands down not that he had any resistance.

"It's Seungmin.. Hyunjin, it's Seungmin, please remember me."

Seungmin begged, tears welling up in his shocked eyes. Hyunjin squinted a bit, not remembering anything. But his past was always blank, and out of the four, he was the most curious one to learn about it. Seungmin seemed to know him, so he tried to think. Did he know his past? Did he know why he can't remember anything? While the two were just not moving, just looking at each other, one in shock, one confused but stone-faced, the other three were engaged in a fight.

Changbin was fighting a blonde haired boy who had sharp features but still looked like a baby. He used shadows to block the punches the boy tried to give him, as he stumbled a bit when he managed to land one on him,

"Jeez, honestly this is pathetic. I can't believe they used you guys to create weapons.."

The boy stated, pity leaking in his voice. Changbin didn't need pity though, slamming a wave of shadows into the boy so he would get sent backwards. Changbin breathed heavily, his hair getting in his eyes. He glanced to the side, seeing Jisung pinned by some boy, but Jisung looked conflicted as the boy pinning him was telling him something. Chan was successfully winning against Woojin, having the other boy pinned to the wall probably by the force he was manipulating at the moment. Changbin looked at the one who he was fighting, seeing he had knocked him out. Something stirred in his stomach when he saw the boy was bleeding, making him move and call for Chan,


Chan looked over, the force releasing Woojin who dropped to the ground, gasping for air. The leader of the four moved, joining Changbin beside the boy who was bleeding,

"Why are you worried for this boy..?"

"I.. i dont know. It's complicated, ok?"

Changbin muttered, Chan sighing out. Despite it, he reached placing a hand on the boy's stomach that was bleeding, and soon the bleeding ceased. Chan lifted the shirt of the boy, seeing the wound having closed up, a scar left behind. Chan scowled and stood up,

"Come, we're leaving."

Chan announced but Hyunjin and Jisung didn't move. The two boy's looked at each other before at the ground, Chan frowning. Changbin scowled, pissed now,

"Oh so you guys are going to stay with them, huh?! It's not like we've been with each other for most of our lives!"

"Changbin. Enough, let's just go. If they want to betray the government then let them."

Chan stated, voice colder than ever. Hyunjin and Jisung looked at each other, refusing to make eye contact with their former leader. Woojin coughed a bit, standing up now,

"You know.. you don't have to go back.. The government uses you as weapons, they dont treat you like you have a life.."

"We are weapons. We were made to be weapons and that's it."

Chan scowled at him, before he teleported him and Changbin back to the government base. Changbin followed Chan into the room where their boss was,

"Where are the other two?"

"They betrayed and stayed with the rebels, sir. We were unable to stop them from taking over the building either. It was too late when we got there."

Chan explained, their boss narrowing his eyes on Chan. Changbin was sent out, Chan standing there tensely. He was ready to accept the punishment he was going to receive, watching the boss walk up to him.

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