Taking a Breath

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               We turned around a rock, slowly so Kanan wouldn't have trouble keeping up. We both looked ahead, our eyes meeting our home, Berk. 

                Ya, a lot has changed in 7 years, our bond with our new forever friends changed the island quite a bit. Our old war equipment on the edges of the village, like catapults, have been replaced dragon inspired windmills. All of our architecture actually has been influenced by them. A lot of our new houses have been painted in their colors with added spikes and wood carved heads. A new stable has been added with a large hangar for the dragons. We have custom stables, built for all different types of dragons. Size, abilities, preferences, and class of course.

                 We flew over the bleachers for my personal favorite addition, Dragon Racing. I and the other riders would fly around the island in laps collecting sheep for points. Toothless loves it, but I was always disappointed a bit since Y/n and Kanan can't race. I mean they've never tired, but they think they can't since Kanan struggles with sharp turns, or just flying in general. He prefers the ground and Y/n's ok with that, but I can tell she still would want to race.

                 As we flew over the village the sun peeked over the cliffs. Vikings were just now coming out of their homes and stretching. Some were probably awoken by the squawking Terrible Terrors on their rooftops.

                I looked over to Y/n who was putting her hair up in her normal ponytail with a small braid pulled back in it. Once she was done she pulled her red ribbon out of pocket. She began to put in her hair, but the wind hit us in a rush and it slipped from her hand. She gasped as it flew away flapping in the wind. I pulled Toothless back and he put his wings against the wind pulling us backward fast enough for me to grab it before I lost sight of it.

                We landed on a cliff overlooking the village. I got off Toothless and Y/n off Kanan, quickly. She rushed over to see if I got it. "Do you?" She asked desperately.

                 I smile and hold it up, the worn ribbon flapped in the wind. She sighed in relief and I gestured with my hand for her to turn around. She quickly did and I tied the bow in the hair.

"Thanks, I don't know what'd I do if I lost it." She admitted.

                 I laughed a little as we sat down on the edge of the cliff. We overlooked the village as the sun rose to the east. The dragons began to play with each other, tackling one another. "You ok?" I ask.

                "Ya, " She replied taking in a breath. "I only wished it' was this easy back home," she mumbled.

"Well, it's really up to you to chose happiness." I sheepishly say.

          We both awkwardly paused for a moment. I kinda regretted sporadically saying that, but I was right, right?

                "Anyway, enough about me, anything new happening with you?" She quickly said changing the subject and trying to sound more cheery. I felt like I shouldn't push it, so I answered, "Well actually, now that you ask. I think my dad has been trying to subtly hint to me about something very important, but you know how Vikings are with subtly."

"What's subtly?" She said as some happiness came back to her eyes.

We both laugh. "Exactly."

                "Well since he can't hide it, what's so important?" She asked now intrigued.

                I sheepishly rubbed the back of my head. Then raised my brows and nervously smile at her.

I saw the answer light up in her eyes.

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