Chapter 2: Tell the Truth

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Chapter 2: Tell the Truth

The escape of the Brazilian boa constrictor was a memory that Leo held onto dearly for the remainder of the time he and Harry were locked in the cupboard. Any time he heard Dudley thumping down the stairs and passing in front of the cupboard door, he would often let out a loud hiss. The first time he had done this, Dudley had been startled so badly that he fell back into one of the accent tables in the hall, knocking over one of Aunt Petunia's vases. When the boy's mother came to see what all the commotion was about, he immediately blamed Leo. Leo, of course, claimed he had nothing to do with it, considering he and Harry were currently locked in the cupboard. Unfortunately, their Aunt didn't buy it, and their punishment was extended. Harry didn't talk to him for the remainder of their time spent there.

By the time they were allowed out of their cupboard again, the summer holidays had started and Dudley had already 'lost' his new video camera, crashed his remote-control airplane, and, first time out on his racing bike, knocked down old Mrs. Figg as she crossed Privet Drive on her crutches. That last one peeved Leo more than he could express. Mrs. Figg is a nice old lady who's never done anything to anyone, and then Dudley comes along, runs her over, and doesn't even get punished for it! Leo grumbled, glaring at the rotund boy. He was slowly starting to realize that justice was virtually absent in the Dursley household. Which only meant one thing: he'd have to take justice into his own hands.

One night, he snuck into Dudley's room, knowing that nothing could awaken the boy now that he was passed out asleep. He logged onto the boy's computer, snickering quietly to himself as he went onto various... shall we say, 'illicit' websites that his parents – nor anyone's parents – would never approve of him being on. Leo wasn't too interested in the content being found on the search history, he was more interested in the various viruses that latched itself onto the computer from visiting said websites. Let's see you play your games now, fatarse. Leo gave an evil laugh inside his head.

Unfortunately, what he failed to take into account was the effect his deeds would have on Harry. With the loss of video games to play, Dudley fell back on an old habit: Harry Hunting. This prompted Leo to drag Harry out of the house every chance he got, trying to rectify the mistake he had made and apologizing profusely. Thankfully, Harry seemed to understand that he didn't mean for it to happen and even laughed a bit at Leo's prank.

The two spent as much time as possible out of the house, wandering around and thinking about the end of the holidays, where Harry, at least, could see a tiny ray of hope. When September came, the two would be going off to secondary school and, for the first time in their life, they wouldn't be with Dudley. Dudley had been accepted at Uncle Vernon's old private school, Smeltings. Piers Polkiss was going there too. Harry and Leo, on the other hand, were going to Stonewall High, the local public school.

What Harry didn't know was that Leo had no intention of going to Stonewall High – nor did he have any sort of inclination to remain at the Dursleys for much longer. He'd thought about it long and hard, and decided that his life would be much better if he left the Dursleys behind. He wasn't entirely sure where he would go, but he did have some idea of what he would do: he would find his father.

The idea had occurred to him one night whilst he and Harry were in the cupboard: both of Harry's parents were dead, but Leo's father wasn't. There was still someone out there who had legal rights to him and – considering he was his uncle by marriage – Harry. If Leo found him, he could convince him to take some responsibility and get him and Harry out of Privet Drive and away from the Dursleys. Once he hit eleven, Leo was leaving and not coming back until he found a home for himself and Harry.

He had considered bringing Harry along but had no idea how long he'd be out on the streets searching. He didn't think Harry would be able to survive that sort of lifestyle. Harry deserved more than following his cousin on some sort of hopeless adventure. Spending hungry nights on the street, no shelter, no baths... no. That was not the life Harry James Potter deserved. He would be safer and somewhat taken care of at the Dursleys whilst Leo risked his life and health to find them a better life.

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