Chapter 12: What You Want

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Chapter 12: What You Want

They killed her. That poor Muggle woman. Bellatrix's fiancée, Rodolphus, had brought an old Muggle woman to the Christmas Ball for 'fun'. People took turns casting the Cruciatus curse on her – I can still hear her screams ringing in my ears even as I write. He looked on in amusement, now and again looking at me to gauge my reaction. I gave nothing away. Not the horror or disgust I felt. The terror I kept firmly locked away, even as Bella gleefully cackled over the woman's screams. Siri noticed something was wrong with me and asked what had happened. I only told him that I hated Christmas.


Uncle Sirius

I never said you were sane, just that your story was. One thing I've managed to learn about our family is that we're all barking – some moreso than others.

In all Siriusness (see what I did there?), I understand the feeling. Most everyone here believes I'm quite mad. I ignore it most times – and believe it others – but it still twinges a bit to hear it, especially when it's from the people I care about. Not that I'd ever admit it, of course.

I had the exact same feeling about the troll, particularly when Harry mentioned one of our teachers getting bit by Fluffy that same night. The troll was obviously a diversion meant to give someone an opportunity to find whatever Fluffy's guarding. I just wish I knew what it was. Fluffy has no idea what it is either. Luckily, my friends are hard at work trying to figure it out.

I play reserve Seeker. Harry got the big part as Seeker. Doesn't really bother me, to be perfectly honest. It's about time he got recognition for one of his talents.

Speaking of, someone was jinxing Harry's broom during his first match and he almost fell off. Luckily, whoever was jinxing him had their concentration broken and he was able to climb back on. He swooped downward and ended up catching the Snitch in his mouth. It was probably the most hilarious thing I'd ever seen. The Slytherin team captain was fuming!

On a happier note, myself and a couple of fellow mischief makers set up pranks all around the castle the night before Christmas. I charmed a suit of armor outside of our grumpy potions teacher's office to sing 'Joy to the World' every time he passes by. He took the charm off, so I had to change it to 'Ode to Joy', then the 'Rubber Duckie Song' (it's from a Muggle telly show). Snape's face gets redder and redder every time I see him. It's brilliant.

Anyway, I hope you like your present. I couldn't think of what else to get you, but I figured one present after ten years is better than nothing, right?



P.S.: Sure I can't change your mind about Pettigrew?

P.P.S.: That line you quoted my dad saying in your last letter, where did he hear it from?


"Oi! Black!"

Leo withheld a sigh as he turned around, raising an eyebrow as Draco Malfoy approached him. Alone. Leo stuck his hand inside his robes, fingers wrapped tightly around his wand just in case Draco pulled something. The Slytherin stopped in front of him before jerking his head in the direction of an unused classroom and walking towards it. Leo warily followed him, closing the door behind him and watching carefully as Draco reached into his pocket and pulled out an ornate glass ball with a green flame flickering inside it.

"What is this?" he demanded.

"Most cultures refer to the shape as a 'sphere' or 'ball'," Leo replied sarcastically. "Others call it a present, a peace offering, or a sign of friendship. Whatever floats your proverbial boat."

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