Chapter Two

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Nearing closer to our new home, my nerves were starting to get put at bay from the sight of all of the trees surrounding us. The woods here had to be at least three times the size of our old woods. To say my wolf was ecstatic was an understatement.

Pulling up to the house, I took in the sight before me. It was a simple two story cream house with a nice front porch and my favorite part, a wooded backyard. I could not wait to let my wolf out and I felt her nodding in agreement.

Stepping out of the car, I grabbed a box and began making my way up the front steps and through the door. "Your room is upstairs at the end of the hall," I heard my father call out from behind me.

It felt abnormal being in a new home after spending the past 12 years in our last house. We had moved there when I was five, but I had no recollection of the house prior.

Reaching the end of the hall, I opened the door and was pleasantly surprised. It was a spacious room with a built on bathroom, which I was thankful for. Setting down the box, I went back downstairs to help finish unloading the rest.

"Phew, that was exhausting!" my mom said while blowing out a breath. It had taken us 3 hours to unload and start unpacking, although we still had a bit to go. "Calla, how would you like to go with me to the store to pick up some groceries for this weekend?" she asked.

"Sure thing, let me just go grab my shoes," I quickly responded while running up the stairs. I was itching to explore the town and all of my new running spots.

As we made our way through the store, I couldn't help but notice the few strange looks I received. I tried my best to ignore them, but it was like they were analyzing me.

There was also a strange smell I couldn't quite place. It smelt very woodsy and earthy. The scent was only around certain people too.

When we reached the cash register, the girl working it looked between my mother and I, giving us a puzzled look. "Are you new here?" She questioned more at me than the both of us.

"Oh yes!" my mom responded excitedly, "We just moved in today and it's such a cute little town you guys have here!" The girl looked at me once more, suspicion in her eye, but nodded, saying nothing more.

I narrowed my eyes at her, not liking the way she was making my wolf feel. I could tell my wolf was super anxious and I didn't understand why. 'We'll go for a run tonight,' I promised her, hoping that would calm her down. However, it did not seem to work.

The drive home was excruciating to say the least. I tried everything to calm down my wolf, but with no such luck. It had only been two days since I last shifted, so why she would be acting like this, I had no idea.

"Are you okay sweetie? Your leg has been bouncing ever since we got in the car," my mom questioned, concern in her voice.

"Yeah I'm okay," I responded, "Just a little nervous about starting school in a few days." That was partly true. Being the new kid senior year was one thing, but starting later than the others really drew attention to myself.

"No need to be nervous about that! I'm sure everyone is going to love you." I wish that was the truth.

Dinner came and went quickly, and before I knew it, I was sitting in my room waiting for my parents to fall asleep so I could go for a run. It didn't take long before I could hear the sound of my father snoring. Laughing to myself, I made my way out of the house as quiet as possible.

The moon rose high in the night sky as if calling me. Reaching the tree line, I inhaled, letting the smell of nature fill my senses. She was itching for me to let her out, but it wasn't safe yet. Quickly walking deeper and deeper into the forest, I used my senses to see if anyone was nearby.

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