Chapter Five

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After that first day of school, Liam and I fell into our very own routine. We would meet up in the parking lot before school started, had lunch together, and we even had some of the same classes.

Sitting under the same tree outside for lunch, I laid on my back, gazing up at the clouds. It was getting to be one of the last warm days and I hungrily soaked up the warmth of the sun.

My thoughts came to an end when I felt something land on my stomach. Looking up, I raised an eyebrow at Liam as a dandelion now sat on my stomach. "Happy one week of meeting!" A huge cheesy grin was plastered on his face as he went to grab a handful of flowers, shoving them at me.

Rolling my eyes, I took the flowers from him. "We should celebrate!" Liam exclaimed excitingly, clapping his hands in the process. Stroking his chin, he made a face like he was deep in thought.

I couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "You look like you're constipated."

Ignoring my comment, it looked like a light bulb lit up inside of him as his eyes grew wide with excitement. "Let's go for a celebratory run!" I couldn't help the nervousness that I knew showed through my face. The last time I had shifted was when I ran into those wolves.

"I don't know... " I trailed on. I hadn't told him about what had happened in the woods. I was too ashamed of how naïve I was.

"Come on Callaaaa," he pleaded, dragging out the A in my name. "I don't bite... much." He smirked as I narrowed my eyes at him.

It's been a week and a half since I last shifted and I could feel my wolf becoming stir crazy. One run wouldn't hurt too much. Plus Liam was there in case those wolves came back. "Fine, one run." He squealed like a little girl and leapt at me, wrapping me up in his arms.

He stayed like this a little longer than necessary, before pulling away, a sheepish smile on his face. "How about after school we go for our run?"

I shook my head at him, "I have to wait for my parents to fall asleep first."

His eyebrows furrowed together as he gave me a confused look. "I don't understand?"

"They're not like us," I let out a sigh. His eyes got wide as he looked deep in thought.

He went to open his mouth, but then closed it before nodding. "How does midnight tonight sound instead? That should give you plenty of time."

Pushing away the nerves that I could feel were creeping up again, I agreed. "I'll text you my address, meet me in the woods behind my house." I trusted Liam, and I knew he would fight with me if it ever came down to that.

It was a little before midnight as I listened for any sound that indicated my parents were awake. Satisfied at the silence that filled the house, I made my way to the backyard. Right one cue, Liam stepped through the tree line wearing a simple pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

Meeting his eyes, I smiled up at him. "Ready to go little wolf?" He knew I hated it when he called me that.

Shaking my head at him, I looked him square in the eye, "If you look while I change, you will be saying goodbye to little Liam."

I heard him gulped in fear as I walked deeper into the trees. Undressing, I hid my clothes under a log before shifting into my wolf. Peering out from behind a tree, Liam stood there proud in his wolf form. He was a reddish brown wolf with amber eyes. Something about his wolf looked familiar, but I couldn't quite place it.

I enjoyed my solo runs, but there was something about running with another wolf that was blissful. We started off in a normal run, but it soon turned competitive. He nipped at my heels playful which caused a growl to erupt from me.

If it was a race he wanted then a race was what he was going to get. Digging my paws into the forest floor, I took off faster than before through the trees. There was no way he was going to out run me.

Glancing behind me, Liam was quite a ways back and I howled with joy. He might be stronger, but I'm faster.

A sudden eerie feeling crept over me. Something about these woods now seemed off. Breathing in the air, there were a lot of different scents, but the one that stuck out the most was one I had smelled before.

Coming to a halt, my tail tucked as my ear flicked back. This wasn't right, even my wolf knew I wasn't welcomed. The sound of bones cracking back into place broke through my thoughts.

"Calla... Don't move.." I couldn't look back at Liam, my eyes were now locked with two dark blue eyes. The same eyes that belonged to the black wolf who attacked me not too long ago.

He bared his teeth at me, looking anything but happy. "Miles.. She means no harm. We didn't mean to cross into the pack's territory," Liam sounded nervous as he said this. The black wolf, who I'm assuming was Miles, only let out a low growl as he took a threatening step towards me.

Beginning to panic, I tried to run, but my wolf would not let me. She was begging me for control over our body. "Calla I'm so sorry. He's forcing me to leave and I can't object." Miles hadn't even said anything?

Glancing back at Liam in desperation, I quickly looked away forgetting he was completely naked. This action seemed to cause Miles to growl even louder. Hearing Liam shift back into his wolf, my last means of help was soon gone as I was left here with Mr. Not So Happy.

So much for Liam coming to my aid in a fight. I wasn't too worried though, I knew how to put up a fight.

He took another step in my direction which caused me to growl this time. Who does he think he is? Standing up straight, I showed him I was not intimidated by him. Doing that made him even angrier as he leapt towards me, teeth extended.

I quickly stepped out of the way, countered his attack with my own. Clasping my teeth around his tail and pulling, he let out a yelp. I couldn't help the smirk that formed on my lips. By now he was seeing red and I could tell this guy wasn't used to people not obeying him.

He went for another attack, and this time he was able to dig his teeth into my shoulder, causing me to yell out in pain this time. I could feel the warm liquid begin the pour out of my shoulder.

Miles didn't stop though as he went for yet another attack, this time snapping the bone in my hind leg. I wimped out from the now excruciating pain in my leg.

Trying to limp away, I didn't get very far before I was shoved to the ground. He towered over me, a ferocious growl emitting from him. 'This is it Calla,' I thought to myself. I closed my eyes and waited for even more pain as his teeth closed around my neck.

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