Chapter Four

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(Calla's outfit at the top)

Calla's Pov

It had been a few days since the last time I shifted. I hated to admit it, but I was scared to go back into those woods. The shock that I wasn't alone still hasn't worn off. I should have known I wasn't the only one, but I still don't know how I became a wolf.

My parents weren't ones, that I knew for sure. I checked my body again, nope, still no bite marks. Letting out a sigh of frustration, I hopped off my bed and made my way down the stairs.

Plopping on the kitchen counter, I grabbed a box of cereal and began munching on it. Looking around, I noticed it was awfully quiet in the house. A note on the fridge caught my attention as I walked over to it. 'Sorry we couldn't be there on the morning of your first day of school, xo Mom'

It wasn't that big of a deal they weren't here, I was just glad my car got transported over in time. Heading back to my room, I got ready for school and changed into an army green top, jeans, and some brown sandals. Slinging my backpack over my shoulder, I walked out of the house and into my black car.

Throwing on my sunglasses, I began my drive to school. It didn't take too long and before I knew it, I was already pulling into a parking spot. Deep breaths Calla, it's just high school, I pep-talked myself.

With that, I hopped out of my car and began making my way to the front entrance. I could feel all of their eyes on me, but I tried my best to ignore them. Pulling out my schedule I received a few days ago, I made my way to my first period class.

The first few periods thankfully went by pretty fast. By now it was time for lunch and as I looked around the lunch room, I felt out of place.Everyone here already had their own cliques. Walking outside, a few people were already sitting at the picnic benches. I noticed a nearby tree and plopped down, pulling out my lunch.

Not even two bites into my sandwich, I heard someone sit down next to me. Looking up at my invader, I was met with two hazel eyes staring back at me. The teenage guy had shaggy dark brown hair, tan skin, and a pretty rockin' body if I might add. A grin found a way to his face, "Like what you see sweet pea?"

Recovering quickly, I smirked at him, "Oh no, I was just noticing how you put your shirt on inside out." His brows furrowed as he looked down, and sure enough the tag was sticking straight out.

"Whatever," he grumbled as he went to fix it. I looked away, not wanting to be caught staring again. "I'm decent again." Hesitantly, I took a glance back at him before picking up my sandwich and picking up where I left off.

Slowly chewing, I gave him a weird look. He hadn't stopped staring at me with that stupid grin on his face. "May I help you....?" I trailed off searching for his name.

"Liam, my name is Liam," he responded with a smile on his face.

"Well Liam, you keep staring and it's starting to freak me out," This seemed to make his grin get even bigger. 'What is wrong with this dude,' I thought to myself.

Chucking to himself like it was some inside joke, he finally responded, "You're so small, but yet you caused a bit of a ruckus in the pack house, little wolf," adding a wink at the end. My body froze instantly. How could he know what I was?? Was he one of them??

Panicking, I quickly packed up my stuff and got up, "I don't know what you're talking about," I lied while walking back towards the school door.

"Sweetheart, I could recognize that ass from anywhere," My feet came to a hult and I quickly spun around on my heels. Stalking back towards Liam and I grabbed him by his collar before slamming him against the tree. He let out a grunt from the impact.

"What did you just say to me?!" I could feel myself begin to shake from anger. Liam noticed this as well and put his hands up.

"I mean no harm little wolf," he said, trying to calm me down. I took some deep breaths focusing on my breathing. I didn't know how many wolves there were at this school, but I knew there were humans here too. "Better?" he asked once I stopped shaking.

Giving him an innocent smile, he smiled back at me. That was before my fist collided with his jaw. "Much better now," I grinned at him as he rubbed his now bruised jaw.

"Okay I deserved that, but did you have to hit so hard??" He whined while sticking out his bottom lip at me. I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped my lips at the sight of him pouting like a child. This seemed to put a smile on his face.

We fell into a peaceful silence after that while I finished up my lunch. Breaking the silence, I asked the question that had been bugging me this whole time, "How did you know?" He gave me a confused look. "That I'm a you know.." I trailed off, not wanting to say it out loud.

Raising his eyebrow in amusement, "You can say wolf you know," he chucked at me. "As for how I knew, I can smell it all over you." I gave him a confused look which caused him to extend his arms in a gesture for me to smell him.

Hesitantly, I leaned in and took a whiff. He smelled like pine, but there was something else there. It smelled very earthy, like a forest. "Dude there's a thing called deodorant," I said playfully with a disgusted look on my face. He shoved me backwards, causing me to erupt into laughter.

The bell suddenly ran, signaling lunch was over. Liam stood up, "M'lady," he said in a British accent while holding out his hand to help me up. I chucked and gave him a friendly smile, as I grabbed his hand, pulling myself off the ground. "You know I still don't know your name," he gave me a pointed look.

I shook my head at him, "You may call me Calla." With that he slung his arm around my shoulder.

"Well Calla, I think you and I will get along just fine," he responded back with a grin on his face. Smiling back, we walked back into the school to finish the rest of our classes.

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