Chapter Nine

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I hadn't even realized I had fallen asleep until I woke up alone and cold in the woods. Taking a sniff of the air, Miles's scent was long gone. I couldn't help the sadness that passed through me. He didn't even bother to wake me up. It wasn't much, but I still thought he had the decency to not leave me all alone in the middle of unknown woods.

Letting out a sigh, I pulled myself off the ground, stretching to wake up my muscles. I knew it was going to be a bad idea, but I didn't care as I sniffed around, trying to catch Miles's scent. He had gone in the opposite direction than we had come from. Taking a shaky breath, I began tracking his scent.

I didn't know why I wanted to find him, but at the same time, I couldn't stop. My only concern was that one of his pack members didn't cross paths with me first.

I could tell I was in his territory by the unwanted feeling my wolf got. It felt like my wolf was pacing from being so anxious. Taking another whiff, his trail switched directions, causing me to pause in confusion. It was like he was intentionally trying not to be followed by constantly switching up his trail. Joke was on him though, I was a fantastic tracker.

Zoning in on his scent, I began following it again, making sure to pay close attention to detail. There was no way I was going to get this far, only to have to be turned around in the end.

A huge wolfy grin made its way to my lips as his familiar house came into view. I didn't know why, but I could tell he wasn't here. 'Oh well,' I thought as I slowly made my way to the back door. Every now and then I sniffed the air to make sure no one could sneak up on me.

A stash of clothes hidden by the porch caught my eye as I trotted over to it. Looking around once more for intruding eyes, I shifted and quickly slipped on the shirt and sweatpants. Miles's scent engulfed me, and I couldn't help but inhale his shirt even more. What was this man doing to me..

Carefully making my way to the door, I tried the door handle. A snort came out of me, of course it was unlocked. Stepping inside the house, I was met with his amazing living room once again. Miles didn't strike me as the home decor type, but man did his house take my breath away.

I ran my hand along the soft velvety couch that was all too inviting. Now was not the time to relax, I had to use the time I had to better get to know who Miles was. If I was constantly going to be thinking about someone, I should at least get to know a thing or two about their personal life.

Walking down a side hallway, the door to my left peaked my interest. It was opened ajar, indicating it had been used recently. Stepping inside, the scent of alcohol hit me instantly. Papers were scattered all over his desk as well as a half drunk bottle of bourbon.

The more I looked around, the more that was uncovered. Behind his desk sat 4 more empty bottles as well as a shattered picture frame. I carefully picked it up, brushing off the broken glass.

In the photo was a bright smiling boy who looked around 15. He stood proudly next to two other people. The woman to his left had long wavy blonde hair with piercing blue eyes. I could recognize those eyes from anywhere, they were the same eyes as Miles.

To his right was a man who looked like an older version of Miles. Every feature besides his eyes were the same. The man had a doting look on his face as he smiled lovingly at the woman. I could only assume these were Miles's parents.

Placing the photo back in the pile of glass, I exited the room. Something about it just seemed way too personal.

The rest of the downstairs was filled with a library, meeting rooms, a home gym, and even a home movie theatre. Making my way upstairs, it mostly consisted of spare bedrooms, but what intrigued me most was a room I was already familiar with.

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