ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙

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Just saying that if you don't know a few things :
(Y/N) is your name
That is all
Hey guys for the comments that want a hello and hi because I just went straight to the point so hello guys 😄🙃
An electric wave shot down my spine as the man, much stronger than I hoisted me up against the wall, my legs clung to his waist and gasping at the feeling of his body pressed to mine. This was wrong, so wrong, but our mingling breaths, a panting chorus of need that grew with every feverish kiss told me I need this. I needed him. His tongue begged, no, took entry into my already open mouth and claimed it, sliding wet and slick over mine enticing a moan from me. He answered my call with a squeeze to my buttocks that made my body arch against him.

"Levi!" I moaned as he pushed the bulge of his uniform hard against the lustful mound between my legs. What if we got caught? We shouldn't do this, but we were losing control. All those sideways glances and unspoken words were all pouring out in this unprecedented act of betrayal, passion, lust and above all...love.

It had all began when I was sparring with Petra. I reached up to block her strike and suffered a blow to my forearm. Easily, I twisted the limb around to pull her offending arm past me, turning to push her completely to the ground where I proceeded to straddle her from behind, still holding her arm I twisted it and pinned it to her back. I leaned down and put my other arm around her neck. Like this, she couldn't get up. She grunted, struggled, but I held fast.

The cadets watching us clapped.

"Enough," said Levi. I released her and got up, dusting off my scraped knees and offering a hand to the sandy haired girl. Still breathing heavily, she took it and dusted herself off.

"You leave yourself too open, and your feet were too far apart, it's how I was able to pull you off balance so easily." I told her.

"My turn," said Levi, pulling off his cravat and jacket, shoving them into Hanji's surprised hands. Even Petra was shocked, she blinked and retreated to the rest of our squad to watch. Often, I would spar with our little group in front of the cadets. It was as much for sport as it was for their education, not to mention a great work out. But Levi was...well, he didn't lower himself to such things. He was humanity's strongest after all, he didn't need to practice on mere humans, much less me.

I was nervous, but I turned that into adrenaline and readied my fighting stance. Levi rolled up his sleeves and raised his fists. I watched him for his first move, he watched me with those even, expressionless eyes. It was one hell of a poker face.

I couldn't even tell when he was about to strike until his fist was gracefully colliding with the left side of my jaw. I immediately saw stars and stumbled back, raising my arms in a block. It was a distracting move as I regained enough sense to simultaneously turn with a roundhouse kick, which he dodged.

"Damn shorty!" I shouted in frustration, only realizing I had actually spoken out loud instead of in my head.

He countered my insult with a knee to my gut just as I had scarcely finished the kick. The wind was knocked out of me, but I swung with a hard uppercut, which connected. I could only gasp with excitement when I felt my fist against his jaw and he was pushed away. We both regained our senses and he came at me again, I dodged a blow to my face only to get hit in the solar plexus. I coughed, and tried to back up, and instinctively raised both my forearms to block another punch. This caused a series of enthusiastic "oohs" from our audience.

It was time to get serious. I was best at close combat, really close. I'd have to move fast. I dropped and swung my legs to try and trip him. He jumped and I used the moment to return to a standing position, spinning to place myself right against him, my back to his chest and I elbowed back. Of course the hit would cause him to double over, but with my body in the way, he'd be set off balance. In that moment I took his arm and crouched, pulling with all my might and moving in such a way that I pulled my Heichou over my shoulder and onto his back on the ground. Still holding his arm, I quickly dropped on top of him, letting go and using my knees to pin his arms.

Lust Thief (Levi x Reader) ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ 🍋LEMON 🍋Where stories live. Discover now