ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟜

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(Reader's POV)

Levi pulled away so suddenly, I almost wanted to make some kind of sound or move to stop him. But, that would have been wrong. Maybe I had been hasty saying yes to Erwin, but did I really have any true feelings for either of them? I watched Levi plant himself as far away from me as he could and lay down, his back to me. I tried to get a handle on my breathing.

I was in the wrong position to be feeling this way, engaged to someone else, injured. I shouldn't feel this way. But Levi had succeeded in planting doubt in my mind about Erwin. As a person I liked them both well enough, I trusted them both though I would say by now I was closer to Erwin than Levi, but now my attraction to Levi was definitely not something I could ignore; the fact that he obviously felt something for me, though I couldn't exactly figure out if it was just lust or not, weighed on me.

I shut my eyes and felt myself gripping the green fabric over my legs. What should I do?

Eventually I fell asleep but woke again with a chill creeping up my calves. I shifted, my neck stiff from sleeping against the wall. I reached for the blanket supporting my knee. But found that without it's support, my knee screamed with pain.

I hugged myself and looked around. The lamp was still flickering and I looked at Levi, who still had his back to me.

"What is it brat?" He said, not bothering to roll over. How did he know I was awake?

"I'm cold." I admitted.

"Thought so." He said getting up. He lay his blanket, still warm from his body, over me and sat beside me.

I pulled it up to my neck and shivered. He breathed out through his nose, almost like a laugh.


"Nothing , brat. Go back to sleep."

(Levi's POV)

She was so damn cute too. On top of being a wiggling confident snake-like temptress, how could she also look so fucking adorable? Here she was in my care, under my cloak, and now my blanket too. The universe was certainly torturing me.

She was still shivering, even under my blanket. It wasn't that cold was it? I wasn't sure how to make her stop, well, I could think of something...

(Reader's POV)

"Scoot forward," he said suddenly.

"Huh?" I was able to oblige and he wordlessly slipped himself in between me and the wall behind me. I tensed, feeling his heat at my back, "L-Levi I,"

"Shh, and don't stutter my name like that. Just come here."

I leaned back, still tense and flaming red. I definitely wasn't cold anymore. His body was toned behind me, I could feel him breathing, and something throbbed against the back of my hip.

"Sorry." He said.

"Ah-it's...okay..." I said.

"Relax, go back to sleep." He must have been blushing too, he felt extra warm behind me.

The next thing I knew I was waking up again, light was shining through the corner once more and I felt a weight on my shoulder. It was Levi's head. He was sleeping.

This close I could study the details of his face, count each eyelash. Hear and feel the steady in and out of his breath. I didn't dare move too much, for fear I would wake him. But suddenly his breathing changed and his eyes snapped open, catching me red handed watching him sleep.

His expression was blank, and I held my breath, expecting him to say something. But he lifted his head instead and I felt a weight left from my belly. He'd been holding me? He shifted and got up, way too soon. My back felt cold, even as I pushed myself back against the wall again.

Lust Thief (Levi x Reader) ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ 🍋LEMON 🍋Where stories live. Discover now