chapter 3

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This is a long chapter sorry 😭🥰🤣
(Levi's POV)

I'd decided that sparring with the brat a second time would make me feel better about before, but I found myself angry with her, angry that she didn't know what she did to me, angry that she blatantly went parading around with the commander like that. Of course, I wasn't the one being so bold as to try and court her like he did. Damn prick. As much as I respected him, here he was moving in on my charge; that was my cadet. Mine.

Of course, he also had no idea about my feelings, so the two of them were off, doing their own little sickening song and dance guilt free. I was angry at myself too, perhaps if I'd spoken up sooner, I'd be the one getting to be alone with her twice a week. I could only imagine what he'd been doing with her. Maybe she'd already let him....that thought had me furious, more than furious. Absolutely livid.

Just then she'd appeared in front of me and i let my fury show. Livid at the thought of Ewin copulating with (name) made me angry, sure, but that ring?! A silent promise that she was going to be his?! My mind froze up again, lost between being dumbstruck and fuming, and she took advantage.

As the fight progressed, I felt myself getting worked up. I'd give her a taste of her own medicine, she used that up close slithering fighting style on me for the last time. How would she like getting pinned in a provocative position? By the blush on her fact, I felt somewhat satisfied that somewhere in her surprised and defiant expression was a hint of submission and even awe. It was hot. But it ended with her on top of me again. She was....amazing. In spite of how frustrating she was.

Now however, we were finally alone, but not the way I'd hoped. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness around us I realized the building had collapsed. She seemed alright, though unconscious and I moved some of the heavier debris off of her and lay her flat so she should breathe.

I walked around the small area. Most of the basement was collapsed as well, and a single ray of light sliced through the darkness through the debris in the corner of the room, but there was no way out. I tried pushing at the ceiling, but it turned out to be a solid block of wall and debris that no mere human could budge.

I gave up, realizing we'd have to wait to be rescued and took off my gear. I removed hers as the thruster on the back would make for a cramp in her back when she woke. I sat beside her with nothing else to do and waited. Water was dripping somewhere nearby. I looked over and sure enough, a broken pipe was leaking into a puddle that had already formed . Near the water's edge, surrounded by a few shards of broken glass was a lantern.

I retrieved it and was able to light it. I set it between us and sat again, I wasn't going to look at her. Her left hand limp on her steadily rising and falling chest, that mocking, hideous, ring laughing at me from her delicate little finger.

I wanted to tear it off of her and throw it. Anger churned in my stomach. What kind of torture was this? My face hurt, and I remembered that punch she'd hit me with earlier. I then became conscious that I was caked with dirt, sweat and blood. So was she.

With light it was easier to look around. This had certainly been someone's home. A broken spinning wheel was wedged into the debris along with buckets, a half buried arm chair, a finely woven blanket -which I pulled free of the rubble. I did manage to find a scrap of cloth and bucket. I set the bucket under the leaking pipe and was soon able to wash my face and hands.

(Reader's POV). ( I just hope you guys love this )

Something cool touched my forehead and smoothed around my face, then again, steady and precise. I had a dream that mother was wiping the grime from my face after playing in the yard with the dog. I blinked and tried to focus my blurred vision.

Lust Thief (Levi x Reader) ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ 🍋LEMON 🍋Where stories live. Discover now