chapter 5

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I played solitaire until I fell asleep. The following day was a much less awkward repeat of the last, though Levi had already cleaned the room yesterday, he was cleaning again all the next. A loud crash from above had him stopping our respective tasks and we both looked up.

"We'd better try to get those pants on you again. I have a feeling were going to have a welcoming party when they get to us."

"O-okay." I move the blanket and grabbed the folded garment, easily getting it on one leg, and-thanks to Levi requesting another cold compress, the swelling had gone down enough to fit it over my other leg. I struggled to lean against the chair and button the button. I fumbled and winced, trying to keep my balance. He sighed and knelt in front of me, shooing my hands away so he could button it.

"You're hopeless." He gathered up our 3DMG (3D miniver gear) and the straps and everything. Today we'd see daylight again. Eventually we heard horses and lots of shouting. The one opening we had was blocked by shadows and more yelling, then pieces of brick fell from above.

Levi grabbed me and pulled me into his chest, holding my head and shoulders with his arms. The whole room shook and a piece of rubble fell and smashed the lantern. I shrieked at the falling rubble. Levi and I looked up seeing the ceiling was moving, as if it were being pulled. He pushed me into the opposite wall, shielding me, I couldn't help looking at him, and he looked at me.

All of the sudden another bunch of rubble fell over us and the shouts sounded a lot closer. Blinding daylight shone in and we both squinted and turned to see the sky, turned out the ceiling had actually been a wall of the house and once the rest of the house can been cleared away, it was easy to have a team of horses simply pull the wall away like a lid.

Erwin was first into the basement; Levi stepped away without a word. I stared at him and the commander embraced me. The same strong arms that had made me feel so safe a few days ago now felt somehow different and wrong from the smaller frame that had embraced me only a moment ago.

"Good job Corporal." He said to Levi as he inspected my face.

"Of course," he said, looking at me, "I had to keep the Commander's fiancé in top condition."

His words felt like a punch to my gut.

After a real shower and a meal in the dining hall, I had Petra in my face.

"So what was it like? To be alone with Heichou like that?"

"He's...." I remembered everything from the intense moment of closeness, the almost kiss, to his incessant cleaning, "he's...actually really...interesting."

I looked at him where he sat with Hanji, who was waving her arms telling him some crazy story, but he was staring at me.

"Did something happen between you two?" asked Petra.

"No!" I answered, wow, too much, I scolded myself, "He was total gentleman."

She raised an eyebrow.

"Well he looks pretty intense."

"Yeah..." I flicked my gaze to him and felt myself turning red again.

By this point even Hanji had stopped her story, noticing the electricity arching between us across the room. She looked at me and grinned.

She turned and whispered something to Levi, who abruptly stood and stormed out. Hanji collapsed into giggles against the table for a moment and then took off after him.

Lust Thief (Levi x Reader) ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ 🍋LEMON 🍋Where stories live. Discover now