How to be a brat

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{Disclaimer: if you actually follow these and get in trouble with your mommy or daddy please don't blame me}

Step 1: have an "I don't care mentality"
What I mean by this is just like rolling your eyes, sucking your teeth, not giving eye contact, just being that bitch

Step 2: provoke your Caregiver
Literally be the most annoying person you can be. Like make sweater paws and slap them with it, spill things "by accident", yell, run around and act crazy

Step 3: Cause some mischief
You know what mischief is. Color on the walls, spread toilet paper all over the bathroom, sass your caregiver, stay up past your bedtime, throw toys everywhere

Step 4: whine/ cry
Once you do get in trouble start the water works, cry and beg to not be punished, try to get back into your caregivers good side

Step 5: become tumblr soft
This is where you become innocent again. Wear the outfits that your caregiver loves on you, cuddle up with them, give them hugs and kisses and lots and lots of loveeeee

Step 6: Repeat after a day or a few hours

If you get punished for following this I am sorry


I'm in a weird mood where I wanna delete everything littlespace because I'm fucking irked but then again I like this book soooo hmmmm

Also I think my mommy is trying to distance herself from me

Hmmmm I'll find another victim then

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