Why havent you got a shirt on ?

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———-morning 8:00am

You decided to get up early to make pancakes , you had been craving them for a few days now and you were sure hobi would have the right ingredients.

His kitchen was fricking massive but you managed to find everything you needed .

Hobi was fast asleep up stairs still , you were planning on being an evil girlfriend and pouring water on him ..but when you saw his face you gave in to his cuteness and let him sleep in.

You poured the mixture into the two pans . The smell of pancakes already filled the room , you decided to play some music on your phone. "Winner !!!!!" You screamed ! "Really really really really ooh ahh" you sang whilst moving to the beat of your boys . Your phone pinged

Chim : Hey ..I heard about Lisa . Please know I had no clue she was gonna take credit ..I thought we were just doing a fun cover..

You were about to put the phone back down when it pinged again .

Chim: And please don't ignore me because of Lisa . Yeah she's my girlfriend but you are my little sister

He was right . It wasn't his fault for Lisa's mistake .

Me: it's ok chim ;)

Chim : you replied ! I was worried you'd ignore me

Me: :)

Chim : I'll try talk to Lisa for you

Me: thanks chim ;)

Chim : ( T_T)\(^-^ )

You put your phone back down and flipped the pancakes . You continued dancing to winner . "Love me love me !" You sang your heart out whilst pouring the rest of the mixture into the pans . You sang Seunghoons rap whilst flipping the pancakes .

Hobo POV:
The smell of pancakes woke me up . My girl can cook !!

I put my boxers and joggers on and headed downstairs . I entered the kitchen to see her shaking her arse to winner .

I just stood there watching her move.

She's a lunatic but my god has she got moves..she's amazing ! God I love her

She's even rapping ..god I can't with her ! She turned around after putting the pancakes on the plate . "You're up" she said smiling at me . That smile just killed me .

She skipped over to me and kissed my cheek , she went to walk back to the plates when I grabbed her hand spinning her back to me .

"I want a proper one" I said , she smiled and went on her tiptoes . I kissed her softly cupping her face, she went to release when I pulled her closer kissing her deeper .

Her eyes closed a little as she kissed back , her arms wrapped around my neck . I lifted her up allowing her to wrap her legs around me . She released from the kiss and looked me in the eyes before smiling , her smile is so perfect .

"Why don't you have a shirt on" she asked looking down at my chest . Her hand gently brushed my chest before settling on it .

"Is it a problem ?" I asked biting my lip . She shyly shook her head , "the pancakes are gonna get cold"she softly spoke before snuggling into the crook of my neck .

Obviously hiding her blush , I held onto her spinning round "I love yoooooouuuuuu" I sang whilst spinning , she laughed at my outburst .

"Oh my god" she gasped covering her mouth . What a legend. "That's the best burp I've ever done high give me" she said holding her hand up .

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