50 shades of Jin

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You were in your last lesson which was chemistry.
"So are you missing him ?" Soya asked you . You shyly nodded , your day was already going terrible. Your meeting with the school board didn't go how you had hoped for. They said Sana , Mina and momo would be expelled ..but so would Lisa . Yoongi caught her words on camera which was enough for her to be expelled.

Yes she betrayed you , in fact she betrayed you all. But you still loved her , she was like a sister to you. You still had a hope that she would change and go back to being the girl you were best friends with , but when you found out she was caught about to vandalize your locker this morning , you knew she was long gone.

But the fact that she wasn't going to be going to the same school as you anymore , meant you would probably never see her again . Especially because the next nearest school was at least an hours drive away , meaning she would be moving.

"Earth to y/n?"

You snapped out of your thoughts .
"Sorry what ?"

"I said is it true about Lisa ?"

"Oh right , yeah it is . Sorry I was zoned out" you shook your head looking down .

Soya smiled rubbing your back.
"Hey it's ok , at least you don't have to worry about them anymore. You've only got good things to come now" . You smiled at her , was she right? Because it seems like life only wants you to suffer at the moment.

"So how long are your boys away for ?"

"A month"

"Wow ..are you gonna miss them?"
Silly question.
You nodded going back to writing your notes out .

"Hey do you still have to do detention duty ?"

"I'm not sure , I think Miss Winn will let them off the hook now"

"Ah" was all she said before going back to writing , she could tell you weren't in the mood to talk. You didn't mean to be ignorant , you just weren't in the best of moods.


Your lesson ended , Miss Winn told you today would be the last day you had to do detention . 

You made your way down to the same room as always only to find Yoongi pressed against some random girl making out. Her hair was all mangled in his fingers and her leg was hooked around him.

"Eh hm"
Both him and the girl stopped kissing the minute they heard you.

The girl wiped off her smudged lipstick , "see you around oppa" , and with that she left you both.

You went to unlock the door with the key Miss gave you , "even know her name ?" You asked not looking back at him .


You just chuckled , of course he doesn't know her name.

"Any idea when jin will be here ?"

"He's on his way up".
You took a seat at the front desk , Yoongi went to his usual seat and took out his earphones , ready for his daily nap.

It felt weird , not having Hobi and Jimin here. It was too quiet.

"Hello bitches !!"
You turned to the door to see your pink haired friend.

"How are we all??"

"Good until your gay arse walked in"

"Nice to see you too Yoongs" he said ruffling yoongis hair.

"And you daughter?" , he came towards your desk before sitting on it.

"I'm ok" you shrugged.
He gave you a sympathetic smile before ruffling your hair, "chin up hun , fancy coming mine after school ??"

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