Unexpected - For Some

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Finding Haruna at Haru's place was honestly surprising, yet in a way unsettling. The thought of someone else keeping an eye on Haru didn't make Makoto feel jealous, but instead, he felt agitated with worry. Haruna hadn't been around for so long he personally doubted she could handle Haru on her own, yet he also knew Rin would be far from pleased when he found out.

Thankfully Haruna had the thought of removing the nail polish from Haru's nails. The last thing they needed was their classmates catching onto yet another eccentric behavior of Haru's which would set him apart, but with Haruna around, there was no telling when that kind of thing would happen again. He also didn't want Haru getting in trouble with one of the teachers for wearing the nail polish to class as Haru got into enough trouble on his own.

He walked with Haru and Haruna to class after leaving Haruna with their homeroom teacher, yet the other students were already gossiping than Haruna was coming, yet none of them knew what class she would be in. Someone mentioned wondering if they should sneak into the teacher's lounge and see if they could catch a glimpse of her. Haru at first ignored these comments, yet reacted when a couple of guys said something. Makoto quickly grabbed Haru's arm and shook his head.

That incident alone made him feel today alone would lead to a major headache he did not want.

They stepped into the classroom and discovered one of those headaches he did not want. Three guys were already in the classroom looking at one of these magazines teachers didn't want in the classroom simply because they provided an unnecessary distraction for young men and made some young women feel uncomfortable. Even without looking Majoto knew they were looking at pictures of Haruna, but the manner in which they drooled over them reminded Makoto why he preferred not remembering the names of these three.

"Do you think she'll be in our classroom?"

"Nah. As if we'd be so lucky." One of the guys looked up and glared at Haru for some reason only for the reason to become apparent with his next words. "She already has a boyfriend."

Haru remained oblivious to all three male classmates glaring at him in jealous as well as the misunderstanding which existed regarding Haru's relationship with Haruna. Makoto remembered all too well the misunderstanding was yet another reason he felt everything would end up being a major headache today. Haryu, still oblivious, walked within earshot of the guys when one made the mistake of saying, "Haru-chan is so cute."

Haru stopped walking and looked down at the magazine. The next thing that happened was honestly unexpected and yet within the range of expected behavior from Haru. Haru picked up the magazine and attempted tearing it apart which resulted in their three classmates staring at Haru as if he were an idiot. When the magazine didn't rip like Haru wanted he smashed the pages together in his hands and walked over to the trash cans and tossed the item in.

"Hey!" One of the guys stood up in anger. "That was mine Nanase!" Makoto started walking to his eat which was near Haru's. This allowed him to grab Haru's arm when the guy said, "Just because Haru-chan is your girlfriend doesn't mean you've got the right to hog her to yourself. It was her decision to become a pop idol."

Har froze at this statement before turning around. Makoto watched him quicken his step slightly, which for someone who took life in stride like Haru did this meant his friend was angry. He tugged Haru to his seat in the back and made him sit down. "No. Not worth it.

Haru let out one of those sighs which said he found the situation annoying before looking at the window. Instead of hanging his school bag on the hook attached to the desk like he normally did he instead placed the bag on the chair in front of him.

"You're saving that seat for Haruna?" Makoto spoke so that the other three couldn't hear him.

Haru didn't answer, but Makoto knew the students were free to sit where they wanted in class. Makoto turned his head towards the three guys and saw the guy standing looking as if he wanted to start something until Makoto gave him a glare. Other students started filtering into the classroom, but the whisperings, of course, involved Haru-chan and her theorized relationship with Haru.

One of the girls who normally sat in front of Haru was far from pleased at finding his bag in his seat, but a glare from Haru sent her away. This, of course, helped to fuel the gossip surrounding Haru-chan and Haru, but he now received a few glares and the word "favoritism" floated around.

"Good morning class." Everyone turned and faced the front of the class as Amakata sensei came into the room. "Today..." She stopped speaking when her eyes caught sight of something in the trashcan. She reached down and set it on top of her desk. "Whose is this?"

"It's Nanaese's fault!" The guy to who the magazine belonged to stood up effectively outing himself.

"Really? I honestly doubt that, but suspect this is yours."

"Yes, mam."

"Detention after class today." Amakata sensei took a deep breath. "As I was saying, we have a new student today."

Haruna stepped into the classroom at this point and the whispers started up. Some of the students were excited. In fact, none of the males seemed displeased with seeing the famous pop idol was in fact in their class and some of the girls held hopes of making friends with her. A few girls were obviously jealous of Haruna, which was honestly not surprising and a few guys glared at Haru in jealousy.

Haruna took a deep breath before speaking. "Hello. My name is Nanase Haruna. I've transferred from Tokyo. It is nice to meet you."

"Wait? You're related to Nanase?" One of the other three asked.

"Haruka's my twin brother."

Makoto enjoyed seeing the color drain from their faces, yet he wondered if the pictures leaked to the press would be further misinterpreted, but he felt things might go seriously wrong. Thankfully, Amakata sensei cut the questions short and asked Haruna to take a seat by her brother. Makoto watched her return Haruna's bag. "Thank you for saving me a seat Haru."

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