A change of heart part 5

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 Once the papers and clarifications were  filled out, Michael smiled as tsume came out of the room wearing her detective outfit.

"You look good"

He said as she smiled a little thanking him for the compliment.

After solving three cases today it was time for tsume to tell Michael about everything. She told him the reason why bulldog wanted the rarest gym was because he is searching for a unique treasure, she didn't tell him what treasure was but by their deal she had to tell him everything. She was also had to tell him about where his hideout it's and how to get in as much as she didn't want to, it was hard for her to tell him. ,Michael listened in on our conversation and wrote down everything that was important and after the interrogation was over he took her to the police station to see her friends which she was really excited to see


"Tsume are you ok ?"

Molly asked as she nodded

"I should be asking you guys that hey where's Arthur and DW"

She asked as Molly told her that their parents came to pick them up except their parents wouldn't come for them

"What are you wearing?"

Russel asked as she explains to them what happened

"Did you double-cross us?"

Slink said

"No, it's not like that "

"You gave out information about the boss tsume how could you?"

Molly said

"I was on the end of my ropes the only way for me to see you guys what's by cooperating I'm sorry"

"we took an oath to never betray one another you casually easily does that"

said, Russell

"come on guys it was the only way to see you."

"You're a trader!"

Slink shouted as tsume looked at them hurt, a hand was placed on her shoulder making her look over to detective Michael who guided her out of the visiting room.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that but like I said you shouldn't worry about them anymore and just be happy about you having a new life now"

Michael said as much as tsume didn't want to admit it he was right, A couple of days later the two of them have been getting close and so much tsume wouldn't even hide her feelings when they were alone. Until one day that night, Michael return the home from work to see how his girlfriend was doing the fast few days she hasn't been herself and allowed her to stay home.

"Tsume I'm home "

He called as he saw the lights off in the apartment, once he turn on the lights he saw that the room was empty he went to look into tsume's room and found that empty , he wondered where she went Just as he was going to call her cell phone the door open revealing her

"Oh your home already"

"Yes, where did you go?"

"Sorry, I wanted to go back to the police station to see if I can have one more conversation with my friends....but they won't listen"

she said looking away sadly as Michael pulled her into a hug

"It's ok, I'm here now, I love you tsume"

"I love you to....but I...I can't do this anymore"

"What? "

"I'm sorry"

She said looking up at him as she pulled him into a kiss then felt an electric shock making him pass out. When he came to he heard the phone ringing wildly he pushed himself up and found tsume gone then  heard his boss yelling that there was a break out in the jail that the black cats have escaped and that made Michael realize that tsume was behind this when he asked about her to the boss said that she wasn't with them

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