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"Nothing, alright let's train... Tomorrow."

I said while patting his head and walking off. 


I was currently at my house watching some random T.V. show. When my doorbell rang. I opened the and saw a familiar red-head. He had his smile on, and when he saw my 'Outfit' He blushed. -My outfit was a no shirt, with short on. So my body was basically all exposed. 

"What a manly outfit bro."

"Just come in." I sighed, yanking him inside. 

Once I let him go he staggered around. I chuckled at his flustered state, and took him to my training room. 

"Wow you have a training room and everything?!"

"Well i'm constantly being watched and can't use my quirk unless on school grounds or inside my house. So I can't train outside. Did you seriously think they'd let a villain have freedom?"

"Sorry bro."

"Nah, it's fine at least I don't have to do anything."

"I guess that's a plus."

"It is."

It got silence, an awkward and stiff silence. After about five minuted of being awkward. 

I finally spoke up, "Alright what do you wanna work on?"

"I was hoping that we could work on how long I can do my quirk for."

"Okay, activate your quirk."

He activated his quirk and he got all jagged. Without any warning I suddenly rushed him myself harder too, and started to throw punches at him. He was taken aback, and started to jump back.

"Come on you won't improve by just running!"

"I thought we were just working on my timing?!"

"Yes, but you need to be able to have it activated longer while fighting." 

He nodded and started to fight back. I'm not going to lie I wasn't expecting Kirshima to hit has hard as he did. But I'm glad he did because that means he has a better chance in battle. After about an hour of fighting his quirk finally gave out. After thirty minutes we got back to it. This time it was one thirty. 

He's making great progress. After one more round and him making it to two hours. our clothes were all ripped up. I can't believe we were completely oblivious to it. Looking at him he was pretty hot, a six pack, a good sized dick, and a adorable little butt. 

As I was checking him out I noticed he was doing the same to me.

Kirishima P.O.V.

As training was done, I noticed (Y/N)'s clothes were all messed up and I could see everything. He had a really good build. A six pack like me, a huge dick, and big muscles. That seemed to be flexing himself. 

"Are you checking me out Kirishima I never took you being gay."

"What?! I ain't gay."

"What's wrong with being gay? I'm bi." 

He started to progressing towards me, I -naturally- backed up. Until my back was against a wall.

Third P.O.V

(Y/N) was pinning Kirishima against the wall.

"Are you sure you're not gay? Because i'm sure a straight guy wouldn't get this hard from me. Even though I am pretty charming." (Y/N) whispered into Kirishima ears.

Kirishima shivered, and (Y/N) started sliding his knee up between Kirishima's legs. Once he made it up to his penis, he grabbed his hard on and started pumping. 

"Wh-What? Are you do-doing stop!" 

"I'm trying to help you out so shut up."

Kirishima stayed quiet. And (Y/N) patted his head, and whispered 'good boy.' in his ear. After about ten minutes of (Y/N) jerking of Kirishima he finally came. But once they were done. (Y/N) had a hard on.

"Crap kiddo look what you made happen..." (Y/N) sighed


(Y/N) put his fingers in front of Kirishima mouth and said "suck." Kirishima was hesitant at first but eventually came to. 

"Have you ever took anything up there?"

"O-only when I wash."


(Y/N) was bringing his fingers down, whens someone coughed. 

"What are you two doing?" A sleepy and bored voice said. 

"Uhhhhh training?" (Y/N) questioned himself.

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