Where They Realized (end)

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It was a full month before anyone heard from Ned. He hadn't been home since that day (Eugene knew, since he drove by every other day to check). So when a text appeared on Eugene's phone appeared with the man's name plastered on top, he felt his heart stop.

Ned: Hey, Gene. Any chance you're free?

Eugene could type out a response fast enough.

Eugene: Yeah of course. Want me to drive over?

Ned: Yeah that'd be great. Thanks.

Eugene grabbed his keys, almost sprinting to his car. He wanted to get to Ned as soon as possible. He'd already fucked up their 'friendship' enough, he wasn't taking any chances.

Once he got to Ned's house, he was relieved to see the familiar car in the driveway. He took a deep breath, walking up to the door and knocking lightly. The shorter man answered almost immediately.

"Hey." He stood there awkwardly, rubbing the side of his arm. Eugene wrapped his arms around the man tightly, causing a confused look to come over Ned's face. "What are you doing..?"

"A hug. I heard people like it." Eugene laughed quietly Anderson go, trying to break the awkward tension. "Can I come in..?"

"Oh, yeah. Sorry." Ned stepped back, letting his friend in. "So...I just wanted to talk to you first. Feel like we have the most to talk about."

Eugene nodded, leaning against the wall. "Yeah. I just want to say I'm really sorry, okay? I let my stupid feelings mess up our friendship, and I should have never done all that to you."

"It's okay. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. I was fighting my feelings and being irrational. So I'm sorry for that." Ned cracked his knuckles, something Eugene frequently saw him do when he was nervous. "I wasn't thinking right. Everything I knew felt wrong all the sudden. I didn't know why I was feeling the way I was, and I felt like I couldn't do anything about it. But I was wrong. I like you a lot, Gene. And I'm ready to accept that." Ned looked up at him hopefully.

All Eugene could do was smile, leaning down to meet the shorter man's lips. "Well, I'm glad." He wrapped his arms around Ned's waist.

"Yeah." Ned smiled back, leaning his head on the taller man's shoulder. "Me too."

Realizations (Eugene x Ned)Where stories live. Discover now