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Two Years Later

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To say Theo is mad is a vast understatement. No, he is beyond the stage of just mad. He is royal pissed off. And he's not pissed that it happened, he's pissed that he didn't see it coming despite it staring at him in the face for the past four years.

Like always, Violet and Cub were sent a day ago to clean up the mess Theo has unknowingly made. Alex begged to come with, but Violet isn't stupid. The only thing Alex would do is make the job that much harder. He's always causing trouble, bringing chaos to the worst of situations.

Violet can only bring herself to trust two of her siblings: Cub and Francis. Cub, because he's loyal to no end, and Francis, because it's hard to hate him. Probably why Alex hates him so much, the envious little shit. Too bad Francis is not able to join them.

"Lust," Cub coos in his soft, ever quiet voice.

"Cub, I thought I told you to call me by my human name when we're in public," Violet chids lightly.

"Sorry," he whimpers.

Violet sighs. Although he does worship the ground she walks on, she does not enjoy treating him like a worshipper. Cub is the closest thing she can find to family in this life.

"It's alright, just remember well next time."

Cub visually perks up. "Yes, Lu- I mean, Violet."

Violet gives his bald head a pat for good job. He likes it when appreciated.

"Is there something you wish to tell me?" She asked.

"Ah, yes. Violet, I'm hungry. Can we find something to eat?" Cub inquires.

Violet is not fooled by his blank expression. At the mere thought of food, he could change from a harmless creature to a killing, cannibalistic animal. She also knows that nothing can stop his hunger no matter how much he feeds. The bottomless pit known as his stomach will never stop craving to fill itself. All Violet can do is feed him, and hope for the best.

"Of course. Let's go find you something."

Cub brightens in delight. Violet is going to have to find meaty food for him. His first choice is always a human, but they are on a mission right now. They don't have time to find a hidden place and kidnap a human that may possibly not be missed in the first hour of their disappearance. Coincidentally, there is a butcher shop down the road.

She ignores the stares both Cub and her attract. Violet chose for them to wear casual clothing to play the part of gang member in Dublith. The quick blinks she can handle, but these people fully gaped down at the two, especially Cub.

Quickly, she ushers her little brother into the quiet shop. Violet would much rather slice the life out of those rude filth that contaminate the atmosphere, but reminds herself that they're all dead in the end. They'll die while she'll live on. Oh, and that is the greatest revenge given on this pathetic planet. Death.

A door bell chimes pleasantly as they open and close the door. The shop is clean, bright. Its air intoxicated with meats of all flavors and species. Violet can practically hear the echos of Cub's pit for a stomach.

"I'll be with you in one moment!" Calls a voice from the back room.

Violet isn't sure Cub can wait one moment. He's about ready to smash the glass counter full of raw and cooked meat alike if he has to wait any longer. Violet puts a hand on his head to help keep him in place. Today is not a good day for cover blowing.

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