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Two Years Later

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Roy has never once brought the thought of parenthood and himself in the same sentence until he met Edward and Alphonse Elric. He hadn't felt the need to protect them until after he left, and was on the train ride back to East City. Those children have been left unsupervised for so long to the point of desperation. Sure, they have to take up some of the blame, yet Roy has to ask himself if they should take all of it. Loneliness will make men do crazy things.

Now here he sits, waiting for the famous Elric Brothers in his temporary Central office. He got moved down here to help assist in a man hunt of a rogue Alchemist. It happens so frequently that Roy is worried when - not if - one of the Ishval veterans act out. He won't, that's a fact, but who will?

No matter how hard he tries to concentrate on the paperwork or the dossier of the mission, he simply can't. Al had said something to him once that will not doubt stick with him forever. The words echo from soul to soul.

"It's been a while since we've had an authoritative figure worry about our health."

He tosses a pen on his desk, and leans back in the chair, frustration etched into his face and body language. The way Al had said that was so... casual. It's clear they don't have any father figures, or an authoritative figure, as Al had put it. He also said was a while, so they did have one some point in time, just not anymore.

Roy has a piece of him that hopes he is their new father figure. He can't begin to comprehend why. He's never really liked children, and Ed hasn't helped so much with that, but that's only because Ed is so disrespectful. He's trying to keep Roy at an arm's distance in all figurative and literal forms. Does he not want to replace their previous father figure?

He can understand Ed's wish to push everyone away. It's just easier. That way he has no one to worry for but his brother. Roy knows Ed could care less for his wellbeing, him being the kind of person who'd put his needs last. That trait is appreciated, yet not necessarily wanted.

That's probably why Roy is so worried about what's taking Ed so long. Did he forget to eat? Didn't sleep? Ed surely does a lot of both, and Al has stated that when not reading or working, that's all he really does. Al has also stated that Ed won't eat or sleep when he's so absorbed in a hard cover. He hardly eats when he's working either. Maybe that's why he eats and sleeps a lot when not doing the other two things.

Even Roy's off track thinking is off track. He can't focus on one thing for too long. He's going to self destruct if Ed does not kick that door open soon.

The creak of the door catches his attention. Oh, thank God. A head pokes in, and Roy's thankfulness drops a little. He has no problem with who came in, more like he has a problem with who didn't come in with him.

"Alphonse," Mustang greets.

"Colonel," Al starts.

"Where is Fullmetal?"

"He got caught up with something. He wanted me to tell you to hang on in a rude and vulgar way," Al shrugs.

Roy deadpans. "Could you be a little more specific with what caught him up?"

"A girl was talking to him. I didn't hear what about, though," Al rubs the nape of the armor.

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