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Seokjin heard something ringing. He groaned, slowly opening his eyes and looking at his surroundings, realizing he wasn’t in his apartment anymore. He sat straight up, looking around wildly now, panic rising.

“Kim Seokjin.”

Jin whipped around and his eyes focused on a man behind him.

The man was sitting on the chair in the living room Jin assumed they were in.

“Who are you..?” Jin asked, eyes narrowing at the man.  

He was good looking, but Jin could tell he was older than him, probably by ten years if not more.

“Min Yoongi. I'm Yejun's father.”  

“Oh.” Jin looked around. “Why am I here?”

“My son has taken an interest in you, it seems. He even calls you Eomma, I recall?”

“I don't know where he got it from. Don't think of me as some weird guy or anything. That was all him.” Jin said, trying to clear things up.

“I know.”

“Then why am I here?”

“I did some research on you. You're searching for a job, yes?”

“'d you know?”

“I found your resume.” Yoongi shrugged. “I own several companies in the city and your resume ended up in my hands from one of them. Which is strange, since you're studying early childhood education.”

“This isn’t an interview, right?”

“It is not.”

“I just needed a job.”

“You do realize that it would have forced you to drop out of university, right? You applied for my company, which is a full time job.”

“Yes, I’m aware! I am not an idiot.”

“Care to explain why?”


“You sure?”

“I don’t have to tell you my reasons. They’re personal. Now, why was I kidnapped and why am I here?”

“For that, I apologize. You should not have been brought here like that, Namjoon can be...a little dense at times. However, I really did need you to come. You see, my son seems to have taken a liking to you, and someone like me...has quite a few enemies who wish to hurt me in more ways than one. You can’t blame me for looking out for my son, can you?”

“I can’t. But I don’t mean you or your son any harm. I just met him at the park yesterday. Along with his nanny. Also, you are aware that she’s a terrible nanny, right? She told me she was your son’s mother, which I believed at first, but then it got weird when she just threw him at me and left to go shopping. She even tried to give him peanuts, and I only met him yesterday, but I know he can’t have them. What kind of mother forgets something like that?”

“Yes. Yejun is severely allergic to peanuts.”

“I’m not usually one to say this, but I hope you fired her. She’s a hazard to your son.”

“I’m aware, she was fired just this morning. Which leads me to the next thing.”


“I’d like to hire you. As my sons nanny.”

“Hire me…?” Jin give him a blank look. “You’re kidding right? I’m hardly qualified and—“

“All living expenses will be paid for, although you will have to move into this home. Food and clothing will be paid for, along with university fees, which you will still be able to attend. I also read up on some of the debts your parents left to you, which will be paid in full. However, you must work for me for three months, without pay for the expenses of those debts. You’ll be given a card with enough money for anything you’d need it for on the occasion. And you cannot discontinue working for me until I fire you or we both come to an agreement. A contract will be signed, how does that sound?”

Jin opened his mouth, but then closed it. He was struck speechless...but then again, what better offer was he going to get?


This was the best offer he was ever going to get and like he’ll he would turn it down.

“Alright, I accept.” Jin said quietly.

“Excellent. I’ll have my lawyers write up a contract, you can start moving your stuff here and you’ll start tomorrow, Alright?”

“O-Okay…” Jin stood as Yoongi did. “Thank you...Mr. Min.”

“Let’s hope you’re better than the past nannies I’ve had. I do hope you do not disappoint me, Seokjin.”

“I’ll try not to. I’m going to...go now. I’ll see you tomorrow to sign the contract?”

“Yes. Before you leave, why don’t you go and visit Yejun as well? I’ll have one of my men direct you to his room. Jungkook!” A man entered the room and Jin looked over at him.

Where all the men living here good looking?

He slapped himself mentally, scolding himself for thinking such things.

“Lead Mr. Kim here to Yejun’s room.”

“Of course, hyung.” Jungkook turned to Jin and then turned, walking out. Jin followed behind him, still a bit confused as to what was exactly happening. “Mr. Min must have taken a liking to you if he hired you so easily.” Jungkook finally said.

“H-huh? O-oh...I don’t know, I’m not really sure what’s going on right now to be honest.”

“What did you do?”

“What do you mean?”

“To impress him. Did you suck his dick or something?”

“W-What!?” Jin reeled back, a blush coating his cheeks as he shook his head. “O-of course not! W-who would do that!?”

“Every other nanny did. And then some. Just so you know, if you do ever do anything sexual with Mr. Min, don’t expect anything to happen more than once. And don’t even think that just because you slept with him that you’ll have special privileges, because you will not. Do not bother him while he is working. Keep you focus on a Yejun and watching him.”

“O-of course...why wouldn’t I? A-and why would I s-sleep with my boss?”

“I don’t know, you tell me.”

“T-there’s really nothing to tell...can we change the subject? T-this is really uncomfortable.”

“No need, we’re here.” Jungkook knocked on Yejun’s door. It opened a few seconds later, revealing the boy. He looked behind Jungkook and smiled widely.  


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