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Jin woke up in a foul mood. He didn’t make breakfast that day, for the first time since he got here, and all of the men were concerned for him. 

In fact, Jin didn’t come downstairs until around ten, even though everyone in the house knew that he was up before six every morning. 

They didn’t say anything however, when Jin did make his appearance, noting how tired he looked, and they guessed that he wasn’t really in the mood to talk about anything.

Yejun did not have school today, seeing as it was Sunday. The boy had been a bit down, since Taehyung had left just the day before, on his way to New York, where he would be studying. 

But the boy was a bit excited today. Because today his father had promised the arrival of a new person, someone who could play with him and spend time with him.

His new tutor. 

Yejun was bouncing around, excited as he ate the cereal Hoseok managed to grab for him, unsure of what to feed the child since it had been so long since Jin wasn’t here and wasn’t feeding the boy. 

Jin walks into the kitchen, looking a little more disheveled than usual, and grabbed the first thing he saw out of the cupboard, which was a box of cereal, the one Hoseok had fed Yejun with. 

The others all watched him like he was a circus show as the man ignored them, dumping a good portion of the artificial sweetness into a bowl and then ate it, without any milk or anything else. 

It was unheard of, and the men all began to wonder what had happened to Jin. 

“Jin?” Jungkook finally asked, slowly. The man turned, pursing his lips. 


“Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, definitely.” Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows in confusion at the man’s short tone. Jin sounded like he didn’t want to talk to them whatsoever, and he was acting with attitude.

So the men decided it was best to leave him be for now. They had to prepare for another guest, after all. 

Noon came around all too soon, and there was a knock on the door, Hoseok being the one to answer it. “Hello, I’m Desung...Yejun’s new tutor? I hope this is the right residence.”

“Yes, Yes, Of course!” Hoseok smiled at the man and waved him in. Desung smiled back at him and brought his things in, setting them down and looking around.

“A beautiful home.”

“Yes. Mr. Min will be here shortly. I think Yejun is around here somewhere as well. Probably with Jin.” Hoseok turned, walking away and telling Desung that he would be right back. 

A few moments later, a boy ran into the room, a bright smile on his face. “Hi!” The boy said. “I’m Yejun!”

“Well hello little one.” Desung bent over and offered the boy such a beautiful smile that it had the little boy giggling. “I’m excited to spend some time with you.”

“Me too!” Yejun laughed, clapping his hands together. “Can you play the piano? Appa wants me to learn to play so much, and I still need help.”

Desung nodded. “Yup, I’m here to teach you lots of things, and the piano is one of them. I’m sure you play beautifully already, Yejun.” The boy beamed and turned, running back over to Jin, who was now walking into the main hall. 

But the nanny stopped, staring at the man who was standing there. 


But the man didn’t say anything back, merely looked down. “Sorry about him.” Hoseok said, waving it off as he came back into the room. “He’s usually not this quiet. You’ll have to excuse him, I think he woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.”

Jin bit his bottom lip, turning, and about to walk away, when he saw Yoongi walking over. He shook hands with Desung and smiled. “It’s good that you’re finally here. This is Hoseok, my right hand man. He drives Jin and Yejun around, but he’ll be the one to show you around and get you started. I have a meeting I have to get to, but I would appreciate it if you came to my office sometime tomorrow and had a little chat with me?”

“Yes, Of course.” Desung bowed as Yoongi headed out the door. 

Hoseok began to launch into his usual welcome speech, going over some of the rules of the house before grabbing the man’s luggage and leading him to his room. 

“Ah, I’d like to start our first lesson as soon as possible!” Desung suddenly said, turning back to Yejun and Jin. “Perhaps in an hour? So I can unpack and then we can get started.”

“Yes!” Yejun nodded his head excitedly. 

“Jin usually tags along to the tutoring sessions, I hope you don’t mind.” Hoseok voiced.

“Not at all. The more the merrier, right?” Hoseok laughed and the two men walked away together, talking animatedly. 

For the next hour, Jin could only fret and wallow in his own fear. Yejun played with some toy cars beside him, making noises and crashing them into things. Jin couldn’t even focus on the child that he'd grown to love so much, He was so trapped in his own thoughts. 

And his fear only worsened when Namjoon came and told them that Desung was waiting in the music room for them. The nanny inhaled a slow breath and stood, grabbing Yejun’s hand and making his way slowly to their destination. 

He didn’t know what was going to happen in there, but Jin steeled himself. 

Because Yejun and his safety was more important than Jin’s fear. He couldn’t leave the child alone with that man. 

Because no matter how tricked everyone else was, Jin knew him, knew how he really was. 

And if he had to sacrifice himself to ensure the safety of Yejun…

Then so be it. 

Nanny (YoonJin) ✅Where stories live. Discover now