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The next morning, Jin woke up, feeling a bit of dread about his day. He’d done what Yoongi had told him to do, went to his room and rested, pretending like nothing had happened...but he just couldn’t.

Yoongi had killed someone in front of him, and he didn’t know if he could handle it, now knowing why the man wanted a nanny to keep Yejun busy. Jin had a sinking feeling, a burning question if Yejun was going to be included in this kind of business when he got older, and Jin hated the idea of that instantly. He couldn’t even imagine a sweet kid like Yejun getting involved in something as nasty as that.

But what could he do? He’d seen what Yoongi had done to a man he’d known for years, and Yoongi had pointed out that they’d only known each other for a few weeks.

And it didn’t pass Jin’s observation that all of Yejun’s caretakers usually had a bad rep.

Jin got out of bed, walking across the hall and into the bathroom. He took a shower, just letting the water run over his body most of the time.

When he was done, he wrapped the towel around himself and stepped out.

Jin wasn’t worried. He woke up about two hours before anyone else did, and in the past few weeks, no one had ever seen him shower or come out. So the man didn’t even check, just walked towards his room,

But when he heard the sharp inhale of air, he whipped around. His eyes widened when he saw Jimin, staring at his bare chest. “Jesus, gorgeous. What the hell happened to you?” Jin didn’t respond, merely turned and walked to his room, slamming the door shut.

He dressed quickly, feeling awfully self conscious of himself, and it took him longer than usual to step out of his room.

He headed downstairs, entering the kitchen and started to grab ingredients, starting on breakfast.

He hummed to himself, ignoring when someone came in and sat at the island, looking at him. Jin continued to cook, and after he was done, he finally looked at who’d watched him cook.

It was Jimin.

“Did I say something to offend you?” The man asked, resting his hand on his chin. “Because I didn’t mean to. Hobi has a lot of scars, too, so I mean, it isn’t bad or anything, in fact I think a few scars make a hot guy even hotter—“

“Please Stop talking.” Jin finally sighed out. Jimin snapped his mouth shut. “It’s just something I don’t enjoy speaking about.” Jin admitted. “None of the memories tied to these are ones I wish to remember, so if you don’t bring it up, we’ll both be good, Alright?”

Jimin looked like he wanted to say something, but Jin shook his head, and the man finally nodded.

“Hyung!” Jin turned, finding his brother, smiling widely and bounding into the kitchen. “Good morning~” Jin chuckled at how cute his younger brother was being, smiling down at him.

“Good morning, Tae. Sleep well?”

“Yes! No old hag screaming in my face, and no shattering glass in the background? Yes, please.” Taehyung Sighed, resting his head against Jin’s shoulder. “This is nice. I could get used to this.”

“Uh Huh.” Jin turned, washing his hands and drying them off. “I made breakfast, the two of you can help yourselves. Just make sure to leave some for Yejun. I’m going to go and get him ready for school now.” The two men nodded and Jin walked up to the boy’s room.

But to his surprise, Yoongi was already in there, dressing his son. “Mr. Min?”

“Ah...Sorry, I wanted to spend some time with my son today.”

“No, no, that’s okay.” Jin offered a small, but uneasy smile. “I made breakfast for him downstairs. I know you don’t normally join us, but there is enough for you, too, if you wish to join us.”

“Thank you, Jin.”

“No problem, Mr. Min.”



“Hyung, you can call me Hyung. If you want.” Yoongi said. “I think you’ve earned that right.”

“O-oh...well, thank you...Hyung.” Jin bowed respectfully before walking down the stairs and back into the kitchen. Everyone seemed to be there, already digging in.

“Jin! This is so delicious.” Namjoon groaned out.

“Thank you.”

“Where’s Yejun?”

“Hyung is attending to him…” Jin said offhandedly, walking over and dishing Yejun up a plate of food, as well as one for himself.

He also found himself dishing up an extra one for Yoongi, just in case he came down and ate with them.


“Mr. Min. Hyung.” Jin shrugged.

“He let you call him Hyung!?”

“Yeah?” Jin looked up, seeing all eyes trained on him and he blanked. “Is issue?”

“No. No, not at all. It’s just...he’s never really let Yejun’s Nanny ever call him something other than Mr. Min. It irritates him when they do. He thinks it’s too familiar of them.”

“Well...he told me I could call him that so…” Jin shrugged once again, turning to his food.

Soon enough, Yejun came skipping into the room, and Jin offered him his plate. The boy took it happily, sitting beside Taehyung and scarfing down the food happily.

And to Jin’s surprise, Yoongi also made an appearance. He took the plate Jin offered to him and sat as well, ignoring the surprised stares from the other men in the room.

“Okay…” Hoseok muttered. “What the fuck was slipped into the food today? Because I know for a fact that I have never seen Min Yoongi sit down and eat a meal in this kitchen. Ever.”



“Shut the fuck up and eat your food.”

“Yes, sir.”

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