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“D-Don’t call me that.” Seokjin whispered, looking down at his feet. He felt his hands begin to tremble and he clasped them together tightly, underneath the table. 

He couldn’t look the man in the eyes, and instead just looked down at the floor, nervously fidgeting and wanting to do nothing but bolt away. But he couldn’t, because Yoongi had told him to stay put. There were still other men out there, who may try to hurt him, and Jin was scared. 

He was trapped. 

Jin continued to stare down at the floor, not saying a single thing to the man sitting across from him. 

“Well, it’s rude to just ignore me.” The man smiled and Jin shook his head, biting back the frightened sob in his throat. His shoulders began to visibly shake and the atmosphere grew even more silent, awkward. 

“Answer me!” He hissed, slamming his hand down on the table. Jin jumped, his lip wobbling as he inhaled a shaky breath, slowly looking up at the man in front of him. “Greet me, Jinnie. You know it’s rude not to.” The man said, his voice low and demanding. 

“H-hello.” Jin whispered, his eyes diverting down once again. But a hand shooting out to snatch his wrist up and squeeze had his breath hitching. 


“H-hello, h-Hyung.”

“Now that’s not right.” The man grinned, tilting his head. “Come on Jinnie, you can do better than that.”

“H-hello...h-Hyungie.” Jin whispered, forcing his voice to a higher pitch to make him sound younger. 

The man smiled, giving Jin’s wrist one more tight squeeze before letting go. “I see you’ve already treated yourself, good. Mr. Min should be here shortly.”

Jin’s eyes widened, and he jolted back. “M-mr. M-m-Min?”

“Why Yes! Didn’t you hear? I’m—“

“Jin!” Seokjin turned, inhaling a shaky breath of relief to see Yoongi rushing into the cafe. He came up to the table and Jin rose to his feet, moving to stand closer to him and further from the man seating himself at the table.

“Are you Alright, Jin?”

“Y-Yes Hyung.” Jin whispered. 

“You handled that very well. And thank you, Desung.” Yoongi said, turning to the man. Yoongi turned back to Jin. “I’m sorry if he startled you. But he was in the area, and I thought you might’ve felt better if you had one of my men by your side while I got here.”

“Y-your men?”

“Yes. Desung will be Yejun’s new tutor, starting next week, since the other one’s...unfortunate passing.” A dark look crossed over Yoongi’s face and he sighed, shaking his head. “Anyway, he used to be a high school teacher, and I think he’ll be a perfect fit for our little team, don’t you think?”

Jin’s eyes darted between Yoongi’s and Desung’s, Desung giving him a look that screamed for him to agree. “Y-Yeah.” He finally whispered, turning his eyes to the floor. 

Yoongi’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Are you Alright, Jin?”

“J-Just a little shaken u-up. I-I haven’t ever b-Been followed like t-that before.” Jin lied, shooting a quick glance to Desung before turning his eyes to the floor once more. He had a feeling that the floor would soon be his least favorite place, but for now it was a safe escape for his eyes.

“Yes. Yes, I’m sorry about that. It usually wouldn’t happen, and I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again, Okay?” Yoongi softened, he’d been softer today, more kind to Jin. The man nodded as his boss suddenly clapped his hands, causing him to jump. “Desung, we’ll be seeing you next week.”

“Yes...I’m quite looking forward to that.” The man bowed and left the cafe, and Jin suddenly felt as if there was a huge weight taken off of his chest. He could breathe again. 

“Jin.” Yoongi gently prodded, snapping the man out of his spiraling thoughts. 


“Let me make this up to you.” Yoongi said, straightening his back. “I know that you didn’t particularly want to stay under my employment once you found out...the less pleasant things of my job, but I’m serious when I say that I will be doing everything in my power to ensure that something like this does not happen again. But I would like to apologize in some way. Maybe dinner?”


“Hoseok will pick him up, it’s fine. He lost the tail awhile back, and I just had to come and get you. Lucky Desung was nearby, right?”

“U-uhm…right.” Jin whispered. He followed Yoongi out of the cafe and stepped back outside. 

The sun seemed to shine too bright. 

The air seemed to warm. 

The people too happy. 

It was suffocating Jin, who couldn’t help but be confused at how they could be happy, comfortable in the warmth, see in the brightness of the sun. 

He certainly couldn’t. 

All he could see was red stained walls. 

Cold tile flooring. 

A bottomless pit of despair. 

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