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I guess it's really over

You and me

From the very beginning

It wasn't meant to be

But then we were happy

All those memories

Weren't just a dream

No it was not fantasy

But then I get to wonder

All the words you said

I can't help but be bothered

It's all up in my head

Tell me what's your deal

Was it even real

Was it the truth

Or maybe it's empty words

Everything happened so fast

I needed a pause button

To look at the past

For one last second

But I remembered one thing

The reason why I go on

Nothing last forever

So I go and carry on

I can't continue to live like this

Always stuck in fantasy

Always making a wish

I need to wake up to reality

Because people like you won't stay

And that's something I have to accept

And someday my head won't be a mess

And hopefully I could care less

Go ahead

Do what you want

I'll stop putting effort

I'll stop before I go nuts

I'll give you all the space you need

That it'll be the only thing left

And when I'm gone I do plead

For you to really end up finding happiness

Cause I'll go my way

I won't look back

I'll turn away

Cause I know finesse is what I lack

You end up frustrating me

I end up stressed out

Hopefully this time I'll let you be

And I'll be up and about

I'll take a path far away from you

And may I find that peace

Running away is what I do

And hope your effect on me cease

Someday I won't care

Maybe a little

And whatever friendship we have I'll spare

This friendship so brittle

It's up to you what you want to do

I bid you good luck

This goodbye is overdue

Hope you don't get stuck

Cause life is a big big maze

And I vow to find the end

This time I won't go in daze

And I'll forget whatever has happened

More like pretend

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