Part 1:Prologue

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The day wasn't anything special, completely average in fact. I was just in class, doing the normal routine, trying to fall asleep over the teacher's annoying voice.                                              

Just when I was about to doze off I felt an extreme amount of pain in my chest. I didn't have any idea why but it hurt like hell. I collapsed on the floor and my teacher got mad."get off the ground and sit down" said my teacher with an annoyed look on his face. The look of annoyance quickly changed to shock and worry when I started to puke an alarming amount of blood. 

He got up and rushed towards me. But it didn't really matter as my vision started to fade and I lost consciousness before he ever got to me. 

Almost immediately I opened my eyes. I was standing up straight which was strange because about 5 seconds ago I was on the ground dying. 

I looked around and saw well... nothing. all there was an infinite white all around me.

And that catches you up to where I am right now. I died...I think. And now there's nothing in all directions. pretty fucking weird.

I take a second to look around and notice 9 other people are here too. I was just a bit shocked before so I didn't really pay any attention to them. 

There were 5 girls and 4 guys. well, 5 I guess including me. I was gonna ask some questions but some of them were still in the "What Fuck Where The Hell Am I" phase, but what interested me more was some of them were clutching their chest in a similar way I was.

Anyway, I tried to say something but they were either too shocked or just as clueless as I was.  

That's when abruptly a... figure I guess would describe it appeared. It had the shape of a human but that was about all you could really see. It was covered in some kind of aura or fog.

I was trying to make out facial figures when I got somewhere. It was definitely smiling. But in a creepy way. It was really freaking me out.

"Let me be straight forward, as the information I'm about to reveal can somewhat be shocking," the figure said out of nowhere.

It scared the hell out of me so bad I fell on my ass. I was pretty embarrassed but thankfully(for me anyway) some else fell on there ass too, lucky me.

"I took this form to be less shocking but it didn't really work that well-huh", "whatever its an improvement so its good enough," said the Figure with his putting his hands on his hips.

"Anyway back to the main point, You all are dead and I'm the one killed you, unlucky motherfuckers," Said the figure with a mechanical look on his face. 

This guy was starting to piss me off.

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