Big Death Queen \ Madea Danielle Gunzalice is a wwe superstar Diva and is super tall and super muscular but not to much and is still thick at the same time she is undefeated in all places she at first she was a street fighter and she is named after...
there was news that there was going to be a new diva but she only wrestles men because she is to strong to go against women she is a legend and has never lost a match ever and all of us were in catering when Vince told all of us we were surprised when we all sat at a table and looked her up on google:
name Madea Gunzalice / Big Death Queen
after we finished reading we were surprised at how tall she was and she was hot two like damn just looking at the pictures made me hard
dean: damn she's taller than Braun and big show and that ass
Seth: i wouldn't mind her pinning me and thos boobs like WOW
jimmy: dude that's B. Simone and bhab bhabie cousin
John : dang she bigger than most of the men in the WWE
then we heard a screaming and we ran to the parking lot saw madea holding Stephanie with one hand by her neck
madea pov my outfit
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i was driving to they Arena in my truck
when i park my truck i just sat there and listened to 'hi bich' by my cousin Danielle then some girl leaned against my truck then she wiped her shirt against my truck i got out and tapped her shoulder and she looked at my chest then looked up at me and then she looked at me with a attitude but was scared but was trying to hide it
Stephanie: what do you want
madea: 1. dont talk to me like that 2. why are you leaning against my truck
Stephanie: i can do whatever i want to
she sayed will poking me on my chest then i grabbed her by her throat then she started screaming and alot of superstars and divas came running out then Vince came over to us
Vince: hey Death how are you
i turned around
madea: Vicki!!!!
Vince: the one and the only
then i dropped her from 6 feet in the air triple h caught her and i picked him up and hugged him everyone was surprised he hugged back and he laid his head on my boobs smiling because well its Vince i put him down
Madea: wow its been awhile since I've seen you in like 5 years
vince: well i guess you met my daughter Stephanie and you grew last time i saw you , you were 6'11 now your 7'4 and welcome to the wwe Death and since almost everyone is already out here how about yall introduce yourselfs