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Roman POV

We run out to the ring and help Queen and once the Authority ass was kick we stood tall us doing our pose and her doing hers right behind us and right out the couner of my eye I see my sister's in the crowd and we are still standing as tall as ever and right when I think everything is ok I see Galina come out and kiss-

Word count: 71 words

I am so sorry for not updating sooner I just have such big writers block and so I just decided to do this little sneak peek of what I am working with right now and I am going to give y'all a choice on what will happen on the next Chapter and which...

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I am so sorry for not updating sooner I just have such big writers block and so I just decided to do this little sneak peek of what I am working with right now and I am going to give y'all a choice on what will happen on the next Chapter and which choice has the most votes will be in the next chapter , I think letting y'all votes makes this alot more easier for me and give y'all a chance to be more intune with the story , so First questions are

A. Have Galina double cross Madea and have them fight

B. Joelle come out and do something (I don't know yet , plz coment ideas )

C. Seth Backstabs them all and Kisses Galina then a Brawl breakout that then makes a Match

 Seth Backstabs them all and Kisses Galina then a Brawl breakout that then makes a Match

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Big Death Queen / WWE ( Roman Reigns / John Cena )Where stories live. Discover now