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The Last one or is it

Madea pov

After Galina Kissed Randy suddenly an unexpected weight was on me I was hit in the back of the head with a Steel Ladder And A Steel Chair next Down was dean then roman and then then the real pain came we were being ambushed by Seth and The authority we are being hit with all types of Weapons all of us going through chairs, tables, ladders you name it then when the discomfort became too much they stop and they chained us to the ropes and then they grabbed roman by the hair and pulled his head up and Galina stepped into the ring and right there in the middle of the ring Seth and Galina started kissing, Grinding and Groping right in Romans face shown Defeat, Sadness, Anger, and Disbelieve with the rest of the world to watch

Dean: This is so messed up Seth you were our brother

Seth stopped kissing Galina and turned around and looked at Dean with a smirk on his face

Seth: Was, I was your Brother but Not Anymore now I have a beautiful girlfriend and I am on the winning team

Then they left out the ring and up the ramp and finally the officials came down and unchanged us when I got up I hugged Roman and Dean and we all limped out the ring beaten Physically and emotionally some of us more than others as I walk to the Nurses office I hear a staff member calling me

Staff: Miss Gunzalice, Mr. McMahon wants to see you in his office in 5 minutes

Madea: ok thank you

After getting checked up I see roman frantically looking around

Madea: hey Roman what are you looking for

Roman: Joelle I can't find her anywhere I've looked in Catering the bathroom and I've asked around and no one has seen her

Madea: I know where she is

Roman: you do where, oh my God I've been so afraid I would never find her

After calming him down and leading him to my locker room at that moment we became closer

5 Months later

Me and roman have become best friend's and My Bestie Hattie and Dean got tougher and they are attached by the hip, Now I have joined the shield and Me and Dean have the Tag-Team Championships and Roman Has the Raw Championship and I'm starting to think I'm falling for Roman oh God why me I hate not knowing how I feel about people, I hope he likes me too if he doesn't that's gonna be so embarrassing

2 months later

Me and Roman are dating now and I'm so happy obviously, we can't do the cute couple shit that most couples do because of my height but I'm ok with that, plus he doesn't have to bend over far to reach my pussy so we are good and our wrestling careers are skyrocketing and my Kids love Him

1 Year later

Me and roman still going strong but the shield is broken up now and now I have been put in a Romantic Storyline with Braun Strowman and Me and Brain are really good friends so it won't be bad and Roman understands this

2 years later

Me and Roman are getting married and My family are being Dicks all except My Cousin B, so I am going to ask Romans dad Sika to walk me down the aisle, I am pulling into Romans parents driveway as I walk up I'm met with Their dogs Mocha and Brownie as I walk inside I see Sika and Pam on the couch watching the news

Pam: oh hi madea what brings you by

She got up and hugged me

Sika: So what are you doing here

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