Unknown Feelings

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Hey guys

I'm back with another chapter a little bit earlier than the last time 😉😉

Well it's a long chapy, enjoy 😊


Aditi's PoV

      It's been only a hour since he dropped me at my apartment but I already started missing him, I had a very good time with him at the beach. Till now I never went out with any of my co-star, but I went with him...... why ? I don't know! You know what this is the first time I've took some person along with me to my fav place..... I don't know why but I felt he has right to know about this!!!

We ate pani puri,we ate ice-cream, we talked about many things, I got to know about his struggle to get into modelling & in bagging a lead role. I felt very bad when he told that he didn't get a flat for rent coz of his religion .......god.... come on have some sense guys..... seriously this is ridiculous..... & I got know that he had to sleep in his car due to all these..... I was really feeling very bad but at that time I don't know him so how will I help..... but what ever happens it happens only for good!!

Chalo guys... that's it for now & I've to sleep early coz the shooting for our new show starts from tomorrow...... good night😴😴

End of PoV

Zain's PoV

Since 10 mins am tossing on my bed as am unable to sleep, today is the most wonderful & memorable day in my life. We had very good time at the beach, I got to know many things about her, I never thought she would be so friendly I mean she is a famous tv actress & am just starting my career... so I assumed in my way.... but she proved me wrong!!

When she saw ice-cream she was jumping in happiness while I was staring at her....... I've already fallen for her at the very first sight but now I've fallen for her even more...... I was shocked when she told that she loves to shop in streets.... No celebrity does that, atleast I thought.... but she proved me wrong & she promised me that she will take me next time......

I just wish this time passes quickly & should turn into morning but for that I've to wait for more 7hours..... I just want to stare at her, talk to her..... ahhh I missing her like hell.... anyways chalo I've to sleep now as tomorrow the shooting starts & I don't want look like a ghost with those dark circles & all..... so good night guys 😴😴

End of PoV


At the shoot

Both were given the scripts, taking the script in her hand she moved towards her room while he moved to his room. While reading the script she was blushing really hard..... why even she don't know... unknown feelings....

After 1/2 hour he was called out for the shot & he was waiting for her but she was no where to be seen...... he was looking here & there to get a glimpse of her but no use..... it was when the director called his name he came out of his trance, turning towards him, he replied

Zain : yes sir

Director : what were you looking at

Zain : ahhh nothing sir, I was just feeling nervous as it's my first shot...... he lied

Director : don't worry everything will be alright ..... he said while patting his shoulder to which he smiled

So Zain are you ready..... he heard director say to which he said yes sir.....

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