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"Watch it squishy! Your spine may be calibrated, but you still shouldn't strain yourself," Nefarious scolded while Clank went over to see if his friend was alright, which of course he was.

Ratchet's feet slowly slid to the floor and he got up without any issues small electronic noises slowly fading the more he moved until they were inaudible.

"Are you feeling alright?" Clank said as Ratchet sat back down on the bed.

"Just. Dandy." Ratchet said, clearly not alright.

Nefarious saw that his presence was not required and left the two alone. Clank sat on the bed next to Ratchet and the door closed behind Nefarious. 

"Feeling better now that he is gone?" Clank asked.

"A little... but not by much." Ratchet said staring blankly at the ground.

"Do you want to talk about it or do you need space?" Clank asked further.

"I honestly don't know what I need... I guess I'm still trying to process what just happened." Ratchet said his ears lowering and head banging against the ground he's laying on. 

Clank paused, "Understandable... so might I suggest I let you have time to think?"

"As long as I don't get "surprise visits" from the robo doc." Ratchet said with a weak chuckle trying not to sound as terrified as he actually was.

"Alright. I'm going to check on Nefarious, if you need me you can contact me with the button here." Clank said getting off the bed.

Ratchet laid down and pulled the covers over himself, and began shaking.

What. Happened.

'Okay Ratchet... think. Hmm. It started when Quark gave us a ship... with his face on it, which was also almost out of power. The nearest Solar system had a level 4 asteroid belt... but I didn't have a problem with that... did I? Nah, a couple of dents never hurt anyone, that couldn't be why we crashed.'

'After the asteroid belt I... we...'

'Wait what was after the asteroid belt? Come on! Think Ratchet, think!' 

'Why can't I remember what happened?'

'Does it have something to do with the weird talking voice thingy on my back?'


Clank had found Nefarious welding a weapon together and decided not to spook the doctor and instead waited by the door. Though it didn't take long for the slender bot to take note of Clank's presence. 

"Do you need something squishy hugger?" Nefarious suddenly snapped while still refusing to take his eyes off of his work.

"Oh, nothing!" Clank almost squeaked as the comment caught the bot off guard.

"Ratchet just needs some space to think, that's all." Clank's words were more trying to convince himself of Ratchets well being than convincing the doc that nothing was 'up his sleeve'.

"I see. Well if that is the case I guess he isn't well enough for this thing. All well." The doctor's voice had his usual hint of sarcasm in it.

"What thing? Is something still broken or wrong with Ratchet?!" Clank was starting to panic.

"No, you bucket of bolts! Ratchet is perfectly stable physically!" Nefarious had finally had enough and turned around to face the small green-eyed machine.

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