Carla Tsukinami x Reader (Diabolik Lovers)

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Genre: Forced Marriage, and a bit of Angst?

You smiled at your daughter, who was playing with her toys. You were sitting on the window seat while reading a book until you heard your daughter gasp and then disappeared.

You frown as you set your book aside and got up to look for your daughter. You didn't like it when she teleports all of the sudden without telling you first. You passed by one of the maids as she bowed and informed you that the master of house has come home.

Walking fast and straightening your dress, you kept a steady face as you elegantly walked down the stairs, seeing your daughter smiled happily at her Father.

"Mother, father is home!" Your daughter giggled as she hugged her father's waist. You are now infront of the man and curtsy. "Good Evening, Lord Carla. Glad you have arrive safely." You said with a calm and even (but had a slight gentleness) tone.

You stood up straight as your life-filled (E/C) eyes meets his hard and cold Gold eyes. His nose and mouth were covered by his scarf, he showed no emotion or he had none at all to show you.

He only nodded. "And I trust that things are well while I was away?" You held your ground at his frightening deep and demanding tone, you fight off the need to run away from this man.

You kept a neutral and steady face as you bowed a bit. "Everything's been well, my king." You answered. He only hummed as he rubbed his daughter's white hair efficiently and affectionately.

You paled at the gesture. You knew what it meant.

"Now, I want you to go with your uncle Shin for today. You still haven't master your transformation, right?" Your loving husband asked your daughter as she nodded her head.

"Okay!" She smiled brightly as the strawberry haired man was instantly there. "C'mere, little pup! Let's get you turn into a wolf!" Shin said as he took your daughter in his arms and they disappeared together.

You sometimes wished that you have powers the same as them so you can leave-

"Shall we get going?" Carla didn't have to ask as you two were now in your shared bedroom and threw you on the bed.

You landed with a soft 'Uff'. Carla straddled your waist. His hand wrapped under your chin as he tilted your head to the side to look at the exposed flesh that was now healed from the many weeks your husband left you to do business in the demon world.

"I see that they have healed but I should expect that, even to a half-blood with a heart of a first blood." Carla spat as he leaned down to lick on the skin.

You clutched the bedsheets, not deciding to struggle. It will always end up badly anyways and he's strong. Besides, even if you can successfully get him off of you, you can't ran away from him. And he is your King that will bring your race back to life, so you have no choice but to serve him.

Yes, you are a First blood but half. Your mother was a First blood while your father was a human. They met at the woods where your father was chopping woods and they fell in love.

Your mother, aside from a woman called Cordelia, was the last woman of the First blood race. Your family died protecting you from these men.

You could still remember the night they were taken from you, the screams, the blood, and the bodies.

It was just a good day, another day to play out in the sun with your older brother, who was a few years older than you.

All it took was just a scrap in the knee.

That evening, this man, who is now sucking your blood, came into the night at your house with his brother and a pack of wolves.

They offered that they will let them live if they give you up and your mother but your family wouldn't back down without a fight. That's how it always was.

You saw how your father's head flew from the other side of the room, how his blood sprayed on you, and how his lifeless body hit the floor. Then next came the wolves. Your mother yelled at the two of you to get out of there as she held them off with the best of her abilities.

Your brother and you run away fast with the wolves chasing you two. Since you two have great hearing, you both could hear your mother's scream. They just decided she wasn't needed anymore.

Your brother was an expert of his abilities, so he transformed into a big wolf where you rode him. You were a frail child so you couldn't do much.

Your brother knew he had to fight off the wolves so you could escape so as he ran, he saw a semi-deep ravine and made sharp curve that you didn't expect it and fell there.

You heard some clawing, barking, ripping, and biting. You could hear your brother's voice as he used telepathy to tell you to run to which you did so.

You weren't an expert of the woods but you had to survive. As you ran, a droplet fell on you and then another and another until it was raining.

That made you slightly feel relieved since it could wipe out your scent but it doesn't mean that you are safe. You were running out of stamina and you knew those wolves were close behind.

As you collapse to your hands and knees, you thought it was over. Until you heard the wolves whimpered and leave. And a click of a tongue was all it was.

You somehow trespassed a vampire's property, and a few feet away was a blonde haired vampire, leaning on a tree with his eyes closed.

That was the day how you met Shuu Sakamaki, your first true love. He brought you to the Sakamaki mansion. Reiji, at first, wasn't really accepting of you but eventually came around.

The triplets were okay with it. They just wanted someone to play with to get their boredom away and Subaru was okay with it too but hardly interacts with you.

You and Shuu both made a vow to marry each other. But, the full moon took in and you were out in the gardens while the brothers were at school when you heard those dreadful howls.

They came and took you against your will. With the powers they had, they had easily won.

When you woke up, the first one you saw was Carla. You were in the dungeon, chained to the wall. You found out that they took your mother's heart and transplanted it in you so you could bore him full first blood children. But that was just the start of your hell.

Everyday, Carla would come and torture you and use you but you refused to submit to him. And still held on to the hope of Shuu finding you and rescuing you.

But one day, Shin came to your cell since Carla had something to do. He said that maybe Carla would just kill Shuu and the others because you refused to submit to him.

With a long battle between your thoughts, you have no choice but to sacrifice for your love ones. You wrote Shuu a letter to stop him from trying to find you, to forget about you, and that you love him...

You sprinkled the letter with your blood and asked Shin to deliver it to him with a bargain of a tinsy sip of your blood.

And that's how you married Carla and had bore him a daughter. And is now 4 months pregnant with a new one.

"You've done well, my pet. Such a good and compliant little pet." Carla muttered as he stroke your hair affectionately while he manhandled you roughly.

You didn't say anything as you were lost in the pleasure. Everytime he does this, you always picture him of being Shuu so you wouldn't fight it.

After the two of you were done he dressed up and left to go and see how his 'beloved' daughter was doing, leaving you to cry all alone.

Sometimes, you have thought, is Shuu thinking about you like you do about him?

But even so, you cannot run away.

You cannot leave your daughter and your unborn child to grow up alone in a place like this and you cannot risk the life of your first love because of your own selfish desire.

You choose to suffer alone.


A/N: before you want to kill me, I hate this chapter too.

I was so tired that I didn't even think straight.

But I hope you like this.

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