Chapter 14

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I punch the bag over and over until it breaks off again

I sigh and grab a new bag then take a sip water

I stand in front of the new hanging bag

I concentrate on it for a while then punch it

I gasp as the inside of it spills out

One punch and it's open

'Your getting stronger'

"Get out of my head" I growl

'Only if you come to the woods with me'


'Then ill be in your head for a while then'

"Ugh" I kick the pile of sand that fell from the bag

"Chill love" harry says from behind

I turn to him

"I'm so tired of this shit" I say

Harry hugs me

"Don't worry they'll leave soon if we do nothing they'll just become bored with us and leave" he says then kisses my head

"That's a stupid plan" I say into his chest

"Better than fighting to the death" he sighs

I look up at him and into his green eyes

"What?" he asks

"Nothing just admiring your eyes" I smile

He chuckles and kisses my forehead

"Now back to breaking bags!" he says

"You sound like my gym teacher" I say

"Exactly" he smirks

I laugh and change the bag breaking the last few bags with one kick or punch

When I'm done I take a shower and lay on my bed

My body was tired and sore from working out so much

Derek's been making me work out everyday to get stronger

I groan and turn onto my stomach and put my face into the soft pillow

I quickly fell asleep


I wake up in the same position I fell asleep in

I look out and see the sun over the tall forest trees

Did I really sleep all day

I look at my digital clock on the night stand and it reads 5:00pm

Ugh yes I did

I sit up and stretch my sore stiff arms

I grad a loose tank top that was on the top of my dresser and slip it on over my sports bra

I made sure I had shorts on then went downstairs to get something to eat


I sit on the couch eating a bowl of fruity pebbles while I watch some old Tom and Jerry

Niall, Louis, and Zayn sat on the couch next to me watch TV with me

"So I guess you really have been working out a lot you sleep all day and your arms seem to get more muscular everyday" Niall says

"Wolfs easily get muscle from working out" Zayn says

I look at my arm and notice it is bigger from the last time I've looked at it

"Does it make me stronger in wolf state?" I ask

"Yeah a lot stronger it helps your speed, special power, and your jumping distance" Louis answers


"Yeah that explains why your father is the alpha he's the biggest guy.. and well he's an alpha wolf anyways" Zayn says

"Derek.." I say


"Call him Derek not father" I say "it just doesn't suit him"

"Yeah doesn't sound right" Niall agrees

I roll my eyes playfully at Niall cause of his words

He agrees with everyone

I finish my cereal and continue to watch Tom and Jerry with the three boys

I chuckle when it showed Tom dressed as a lady

Suddenly a sharp pain goes to my stomach

I groan and bend over clutching my stomach

"You ok?" Niall asks

I groan again falling to my knees on the ground

"Niall get Derek!" Zayn says kneeling next to me

Niall jumps over the couch and runs off

Louis goes upstairs probably to get Harry if he's up there

Suddenly my whole body stings all over and my stomach felt like someone had stabbed me

"AAAHHHH!!" I scream in pain and fall to my side

Derek, Joe, and Niall come running in soon

And I hear footsteps running down the stairs

I clenched my eyes shut

I was in too much pain to even care what was going on

"What's wrong with her?!" Harry shouts

"I'm not sure" Derek says

"She might need to feed"

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