Chapter 18

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⬆Picture of Connor for ya⬆and yes I know he's gay now but I had chosen him for this character before all that happened so I'm gonna stick with him

It was around 6pm when we left the house
We had watched The Maze Runner which was amazing and after we watched Finding Nemo
We walked into the silent empty house
"Did everyone go hunting?" ask setting down a small box on the table that we brought back
Connor set down the one he was holding too
"Yeah we always go hunting around 6 unless we have guest like last night with you we just have a regular diner" he explains
I just nod looking around the empty living room
"Are we gonna go hunting?" I ask
"If you want but you have to promise to not run away" he says
"I swear I won't run away this place is pretty cool anyway" I admitted
He smiles at me
"That's good that your happy I would feel bad if you weren't" he says
"Well I do miss my pack but you got a good pack of people here" I say sitting on the couch
"Thanks" he sits next to me
"Why don't we go out to eat not hunting but just like a restaurant but not like a fancy place" he says
"Have you ever been to buffalos reef?" I ask
He thinks a bit "no I don't think so" he answers
"Good then lets go there" I stand up
"Always like to try new places" he says as we walk out the door
"Oh my god these wings are amazing!" Connor says with his mouth full
"Yeah slow down there tiger" I chuckle as he stuffs his face
He chuckles nervously
"No it's fine I was just like you my first time here HA couldn't get enough of it" I say then take a bit of my mild boneless wing
"I'm glad we came here this just makes my day better" he says
"Better?" I ask
"Yeah I mean the movie day was perfect as it was and now coming here and spending more time with you makes it all even better I enjoy out time together" he smiles
"I enjoy our time together too" I say
Connor smiles even bigger
"I would hug you right now but I'm kinda busy stuffing my face with this delicious food" he says taking another bit
I laugh "let me stuff my face with you!" taking one of his wings
"Hey that's mine!" he whines with his mouth full
I take a big bit "not anymore!" I joked
We both just laugh
We continued eating and I looked around as I did
But my eyes stopped as I spotted Heather and Tyler
They'd just walked in the door and were looking around for a table
"Oh no Connor we have to go!" I say franticly
"But we're not done and we have to pay"
"We can leave the money on the table!" I say grabbing his hand and standing up quickly as I slapped a 20 dollar bill on the table
Just as we were about to leave out the back door she called out my name
I froze in fear scared of what might happen what her reaction would be since I'm with Connor and holding his hand
I let go of his hand quickly and turned around
"Sam where have you been?!" heather asks walking up to me Tyler by her side eyeing Connor who stood behind me
"Everyone's been worried sick!.. and Harry.." she begins with a sad face " oh Sam you-"
"No I'm not coming back .. not yet" I interrupted
"Why?" Tyler asks with a stern face
"Because my business with the alpha pack isn't finished"
"Oh you mean business like coming out here to eat and laughing and have a great time with some guy?" she says "Harry wont be to pleased to hear this"
I rolled my eyes
"Harry's got nothing to worry about none of you do I'll be back in about a month and by that time our packs will either join because of my choice or they won't" I say
"What choice?" heather asks
I look back at Connor
"You can tell them if you want" he nods
I sigh
I'm not sure I want to they'll obviously tell the others and Harry oh poor Harry I wish I could stil talk to him
"Tell us Sam!" Heather says
"I have to marry Connor to join our packs together by the end of the month and I choose not to then.."
"The what!? what the hell could be worse!" she shouts
I glare at her
"What's so bad about joining our packs your not even a wolf so why should you care?" I say my blood starting to boil
"Cause I'm your protector and your friend and We are a part of the pack and we won't let you marry some dumbass wolf we don't know and probably won't like so that our packs that don't even like each other can join to one big pack" she says angrily
"Last time I checked I'm the smartest in my pack and an alpha an alpha shapeshifter and I'd be glad to rip your head off you shoulders" Connor says stepping up and crossing his arms showing his muscles
"You think we're scared of a little skinny ass nerd shapeshifter" Heather says
"You have no idea how bad it can get around a mad shapeshifter" Connor growls
"Test me"
"Oh god would you two fucking stop!" I shout
"It's my choice anyway and If I choose to marry Connor who is exactly like me then so be it!" I grab Connors wrist and drag him out and we quickly drive away back to the house
"God I hate vampires even though Im part vamp" he mumbles
"Your not the only one" I say

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